I need your input, badly


Aug 2, 2009
Ok, so after giving up playing and focusing on recording, I ended up in another band, this time a big one....Eowyn in Nashville. Tour bus and all. One problem, my rig is far from ready for it. This is where I need opinions!
I need a phaser/flanger, delay, and possibly tremelo. I have to get these for the song's parts so I"m stuck. I haven't used effects in 4 years so I'm lost. Which option or even a suggestion?

1. Get a pedal board and buy individual pedals or borrow a few, make a snake with effects send return and wireless to amp. Must buy pedal board and pedals, have cables and wireless

2. Get a small rack, TC Electronics G major and a midi controller. Only need midi cabling which is dirt cheap. Must buy rack, G major, midi pedal, power conditioner.

3. ????

I may be way over my head as there's other stuff I desperately need but I have friends pushing me and helping me. Just for kicks, here's the tour bus:) Thanks to you all!


I've always had a bit of love for stomp boxes. I think you have to get to the nearest store and start testing some gear and see what sounds best. Then it's going to be a compromise between what is the best sound and what's going to be convenient and road tough. I think all of the options you've mentioned would be pretty easy to manage once setup.

EDIT: PS sweet bus man! I bet it's not going to look like that inside for long!
With the need for mostly what appears to be modulation based effects, why not try our something like the Line6 M13 Stompbox Modeler. It's gotten some great reviews and it seems to be built fairly well.

It has 19 delays, 23 modulation effects, 17 distortion, 12 compression/eq, 26 filters, and 12 reverbs. It also has a looper function,true bypass,MIDI IN/OUT, FX sends and returns so you can add your own pedals into the chain, and the capability to add two expression pedals for real time control of effects.

Sounds like it might fit your requirements.
