I ordered my tickets.......

Pink_Metal said:
hey, Thrraaxxxxxx....honey, lotsa X's in that. sexxxxxy.
hmmmmmmm....tickets make me....happy..do I make you happy..?
Mmmmmmmm tix for Thrax with Thraxxxxx.....I like it...you'll like it too..

Great now i can't stand up!
I got 1 ticket. Now, will I go??:loco: Is the house of blues near Midway or Ohara? How far of a taxi ride? I might fly in getting there between 5-6pm and head right to airport shortly after to fly out at 6am.

Can one sit at an airport in the middle of the night?

I will keep you updated.:Spin:
...a smile slowly creeps across my succulent lips...flirting with the idea of a full fledged naughty grin..curving upward..you see it in my eyes first-always do..soon I can't hold back and it's coming through, leaving you with the picture of all the dirtiness trapped in my mind- released by much more than a knowing smirk- a shining beam...don't you like to make me happy, thraxxxxxxxx.....???
Pink_Metal said:
...a smile slowly creeps across my succulent lips...flirting with the idea of a full fledged naughty grin..curving upward..you see it in my eyes first-always do..soon I can't hold back and it's coming through, leaving you with the picture of all the dirtiness trapped in my mind- released by much more than a knowing smirk- a shining beam...don't you like to make me happy, thraxxxxxxxx.....???

My eyes are open wide now... i see the images trapped in your mind... naughty yes .. Make you happy yes.... Your grin tells all....
Look into my eyes... the Eyes are the window to one's soul........

I told you it was yours........ does that mean no more loving????
I am going fly to Chicago on Friday the 29th and stay at a hotel near the HOB's So we could meet anytime before the show.... I will PM you my info so you can call me....
Thraxxx is the best- he can do ANYTHING!
Thraxxxx- oH, magical man....can you get Rob to go??????
PRETTY please??????
This is the Response i got so Far

I think it's just the "Among "crowd.
not sure if they will be there. i will ask.