I owe CD-Rs and money to several people here.


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Stuff to be burned over the next day or three, packages and money will be prepared and sent on Friday. Sorry for the delay and stuff.
You told me to remind you that you were still going to send me Mabool. Not sure if you remembered that on your own or not, or if you ever received it. Just let me know. Thanks.
@matt99_crew: You're on my list, will go out this Friday. :)

@NicodemiX: Yes, received those and have watched several videos, thanks!
This thread makes me wanna dance!!!

@Doomsniffer: yes I did. Haven't opened it yet though. :loco:

@Marksveld: I shall repay you in dirty butt love.

Oh yeah, I'm sending stuff to BWD, Doomcifer, matt99, Opeth17, lumitalvi, and money to J. and Erik. If I have forgotten you, let me know kthxboobietime:

One Inch Man said:
@Doomsniffer: yes I did. Haven't opened it yet though. :loco:

@Marksveld: I shall repay you in dirty butt love.

Oh yeah, I'm sending stuff to BWD, Doomcifer, matt99, Opeth17, lumitalvi, and money to J. and Erik. If I have forgotten you, let me know kthxboobietime:



on a side-note: "The Chaos Path" is definitely the greatest song in the world. Simen's vocal performance is unacceptably fantastic.
Opeth17 said:
Did you receive my stuff? Let me know what you think of those bands when you get around to listening to them.
Yes, found them in a huge stack of mail just last night. I'll write a paragraph or so for each one in that CD-R thread. :Spin:
So how are you prioritizing the listening order for CD-Rs you've received, you dirty tamil? I am kinda interested to hear what you think of the shit I burned you.

Erik too, but I think he just plain forgot. :(
I basically grab whatever is in front of me when I'm on a listening mood. I've been cleaning up my sty this week so maybe by the weekend there will be some order to the multiple piles of CD-Rs I have laying about.

I'll get to yours soon though, provided I can tear myself away from Xenosaga. :p