There are some fucking whack jobs with waaayyyy tooooooo much time on their hands. I schooled some fucktard on Cleveland in his football knowledge (it was a very funny argument I love fucking with the uneducated) so he proclaims "I will bring you down!" A couple of weeks go by, I get on the Pantera Bulletin Board to see what kind of kookiness is being drummed up in cyberspace, and this dude (keep in mind, no one there actually knows who I am, like on this board) has my work number, pictures of my bosses, pictures of me goofing around with the football team and the girls b-ball team posted on the pBB!!! I was like, "alright whacko, you win, I'm outta here before you send a nasty virus to me, my work, or my friends." Some people really don't need the technology available to them. Skeery people out there mang, skeery.........