My story from the MelloBoat and some facts about Mendez and Lopez

Respect man! I remember you very well. I thought you were a small copy of Lopez haha!
Met Fredrik and Mendez yesterday on Krux gig. They were very friendly as always, they signed all my Opeth CDs and Fredrik gave me his pick with his name of it on one side and Arch Enemy logo on another. It was really cool!
I have to dissapoint you, but we can hardly expect the Opeth performance on Melloboat DVD, because Opeth managers prohibited it. One cameraman said me this. But maybe they will get some agreement, who knows.
I'd a prefer an 'Opeth live at the melloboat' dvd than the Roundhouse Tapes one which we've basically all already heard, would be cooler dvd in my opinion...meh I'm jus being picky.


I remember talking to you, your french was very good ! :)