i really get bugged by front-loaded cd's

isn't that all an industry thing from back in the LP days, when they would put the "best" song(s) at the beginning of each side to make it easier for DJs to cue up the songs slated for airplay...plus the average LP would be 35-40 minutes long, and today's CDs typically have 50 or 60, up to 70 some minutes of play time, meaning even more and more filler...
well, i think it's not just an industry leftover. they do it so you actually listen to the good songs, instead of hitting two or three crappy ones and shutting the CD off. most people (including myself) have heard the first half of even albums i love many more times than the last half--i usually just start an album at the beginning and i don't always finish before i have to leave or something.
I always listen to an album all the way through. If the disc is front loaded then it is not good enough to keep me interested therefore is an average record. I would rather see artists do 30 min CDs instead 70 min full of fillers.
how much would you say it costs to record a coldplay album anyway?

(jellyfish's spilt milk always comes to mind as front loaded- first 4-5 tracks, through new mistake are amazing, melodic rock stuff and then it drops off for me instantaneously)
at least with jellyfish you can listen to the recording and be amazed. and trying to picture their singer/drummer performing all that stuff is mind-boggling. on his stand-up cocktail kit.