I saw Exorcist III, finally, last week

THIS MOVIE IS AMAZING. Very dialogue intense, so you have to pay attention. And that's what makes it that much more effective when something scary does happen. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND SEEING IT.

My girlfriend bought it for my birthday once. BEST GIRLFRIEND EVER.
Well, it had a whole lot to do with the first movie, and nothing to do with the second. Which makes sense, considering that 3 is the "official" sequel written by William Peter Blatty, and 2 was a shitty studio sequel that had nothing to do with the creators of the original.

And yes, 3 does take some minor liberties with elements of the first. The only thing that springs to mind is Kinderman describing Damian as "My best friend, I loved him" when that characterization is hardly supported by their relationship in the first film. Their relation in "The Exorcist" would be better described as "fairly friendly" and a bit antagonistic, but there's no "love", per se. I like to "quote things" to alter their "literal" "meaning".
Come to think of it, though, don't people always do that? You know, someone dies, and suddenly they were MY DEAREST FRIEND and THE GIRL I COULD'VE MARRIED and all that crap, but when they were alive your relationship wasn't nearly that intense.
Originally posted by ezekiel
come on! ok, there are a few really cool scenes, but how can you compare it to the original? that was the scariest movie ever...until "the ring" came out.

I just saw "The Ring". It's a very cool movie. Its quite scary, but not the scariest movie ever. I didn't think anyway. It's more then worth seeing though.
the scariest i've seen at least. by the way, i remember someone saying sometime on this board something about this being a remake of a japanese film and that the ending was really fucked up. was it the same ending or no? is the original as good, worse, better?
the remake is far better than the original, which is something i would never expect to say. the US version is the 2nd creepiest movie i've ever seen, beaten only by Kubrick's The Shining, and i've seen a lot of horror movies. these 2 are the only ones that scared me on any significant level though.

edit: and regardless of whether or not this is considered blasphemy, i found the Exorcist III to be superior to the original. some spooky stuff in that movie. lots of cool dialogue snippets to be sampled as well, as can be heard in FLA's "Tactical Neural Implant"
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Wow, I definitely do not think the American Ring is better than the Japanese....All of the backstory of the girl is superfluous and takes away from her mystique.

There are definitely some things that got changed to make the movie more American palatable, which is fine, like the faces of the people who have died, and more closure in a number of areas. For example, the closure of having the father commit suicide, and seeing her little room in the attic, etc. Also, the Japan version is much more "creepy" than "scary", so if you're looking for jump out of your seat scary than the American Ring is the way to go.

As to fucking up the ending, the thing I was referring to was the scene in which the girl comes out of the TV. The visual changes to it I didn't mind (her looking all "video" when she first comes out, whatever) but the thing they DROPPED THE BALL on was to cut away in the middle of the scene. WHAT THE FUCK! In the original, that scene was terrifying! The girl is coming after him, he's freaking out and she steadily moves towards him - And it's all done in one intense, really agonizing scene. But in the American version they intercut that with the little boy (wasn't wild about his clairvoyance thing, either....the Sixth Sense was great but give it a rest...) giving away the fact that they haven't defeated her or whatever, and that ridiculous car chase thing of her (the Mom) trying to get there in time. FUCK THAT! Ruined the scene, IMO.

Oh, and BioMech, have you heard the Children of Bodom cd "Follow the Reaper"? Some good Exorcist III samplage there as well....
in retrospect, the scene with her coming out of the TV in the Japanese version is creepier than the US version. i think it was the fingernails...that was spooky shit. that sort of teleport/jump/warp movement she had in the US version was creepy too. fuck it...they were both creepy, but the remake had more of an impact. maybe it's because i saw it first in a theater as opposed to a crummy bootleg DVD.

speaking of Japanese horror, anyone seen Takashi Miike's Audition? now that's a fucked up movie. makes The Ring (either version) look like saturday morning tv fare.