Saw III sucked


Paradise Lost...OH SHIT!!
Apr 25, 2004
Roslyn, NY
Alright, I am letting you all know in advance that Saw III was a huge waste of money. If you loved Saw I, and you kind of liked Saw II, then do not waste your time. Saw III was written in a 1 week period, it has NO plot. The "game"
is so meaningless and it tries so hard to feel like the 1st movie and it just doesn't. I understand that horror sequels are usually bad, but even with low expectations, this movie stunk it up. Sure it had planty of blood, but it was not scary, there was NO SUSPENSE, NO MYSTERY, and not even the slightest shred of being clever.
and not even the slightest shred of being clever.

Damn, sounds like RiderofJustice :erk: and that is really bad... :lol:...

... but thanks for the heads up, I wasn't planning on seeing it anyways though. SAW I was ok, SAW II sucked cocks, and I assumed SAW III would suck cocks for busfair then walk the long way home to it's gay lover where it then sucked more cock... I'm glad I didn't waste my money.
...because he has never been able to play himself, due to lack of finding it
why is mr. lehtonen green?

Cuz his mom was raped by him:


Here's a baby pic of joonas before his head got all alien shaped and his hair got bleached and slathered in shitty gel:


Watch out, you may get kidnapped, chained to a wall and forced to watch Saw III.

Personally, I think I'd chose death over Saw III.