Hello Everyone! I haven't posted in a while because I'm back in germany once more for work and I don't have much time to get on UM. Anyways... I was watching VIVA PLUS yesterday evening and they showcased I Voyager...
I HATE what they did to the song... the editing is goddamn awful and some riffs sound out of place... It's a shame because visually, it's a beautiful video (much headbanging and nice colors), but the editing they did on the song doesn't do it justice!
Still... Mr Smyth fits in pretty well and it was very sweet to see Jeff Loomis soloing
...that guy's hand must be a new unknown species of insect... just look at it move ! it's not human
I HATE what they did to the song... the editing is goddamn awful and some riffs sound out of place... It's a shame because visually, it's a beautiful video (much headbanging and nice colors), but the editing they did on the song doesn't do it justice!
Still... Mr Smyth fits in pretty well and it was very sweet to see Jeff Loomis soloing