i still can't stop reading www.grouphug.us

gayhug.crap said:
I sometimes wonder if I’m the second coming of Christ, but I’m overcome by laziness and not motivated to be the savor of the world. And because of this the world will end in massive bloodshed.
Then question my own sanity and think I have lost my mind.


but what would really be funny was if he was the second jesus and daytime tv ruined his chances of ever getting off his bum to save us
I will confess that I've had visions since I was 5 years old that lasted until college about San Diego being a target for a nuclear terrorist attack. In my final dream/vision back in 1992 I learned the attack would happen around 6:04 am and was facilitated by a South American heroin drug-lord for someone that looked like Sadaam but was not him. I've told no one but I did sent a letter to the government once telling them about my dream, they probably thought I was crazy. I sometimes hear other people's thoughts which freaks them out if I accidently say something. If that happens I just laugh about it and say it was just a coincidence. These "abilities" are from my maternal side but present themselves in different ways, for example my mother can see the shadow of death and other dark spirits. I only talk to my mother about some of these things because other people would think that I'm either making things up or crazy. I really do hope and pray that the vision never comes true.
wow it is really amazing. I've been always wanted to meet a visionary. It makes me recollect a book I read before named The Magus Of Strovolos.