Morning Thoughts?


Supreme Ruler of the Sofa
Sep 20, 2005
This morning, I’m cooking Breakfast and doing the dishes while the Top 20 is on the Tv in the background. It’s not that I’m just noticing this right this minute but holy crap, music just keeps getting worse.
Gwen Stefani has two songs in the top 20. Who the hell is buying this crap?
Gwen, seriously, shut the fuck up! YOU FUCKIN’ SUCK!
I swear she’s got a retarded fuckin’ Monkey ghostwriting her songs ‘cause her lyrics are HORRIBLE …and what the fuck do those Japanese bitches do anyway?
As far as female singers go, why the hell isn’t Terra Naomi hugely famous?
Answer: to make room for Paris Fucking Hilton.
I wonder how long before Dakota Fanning takes a break from Kiddie Porn and cuts an album?
Anyone with me here?
... and my secular friends quesiton why I don't watch MTV, Video Hits (local show) or listen to commercial radio anymore.


Coz its full of caca!
MTV sucks

I wish I was old enough to remember the days when they played metal


It was a fun time for me and I'm sure others on this board. Staying up late on Saturday night to watch Headbanger's Ball back when it was still worth watching. I was so excited when I heard they were bringing it back, then I saw what they were playing and haven't cared to watch it again.
You know who is the worst? Fergie. Seriously. I liked Black eyed peas (gasp...not metal) but this chick should have remained sucking at their balls becuase on her own she's a no talent post op with bad bad music.
those were the days. watching bands like Anthrax,Testament,Overkill,Flotsam & Jetsam,Metal Church,Slayer,Megadeth. makes me wish i could just live in that lifetime when metal was metal & i could watch the real HBB on saturday nights. the only cd's i buy religiously nowadays from a "newer" band is 7DUST. some of the other music is ok but not worth buying for 2-3 songs out of 12-14
Music has gone downhill ever since MTV stopped playing rock.

Music went downhill when MTV decided that controlling rock was more important than letting the music industry develop organically. Now we're dictated what to like. It's no problem for MTV because their target demographic is teens, and psychologically they're easiest to control since people are the most subjectible and impressionable when they're kids.
Music went downhill when MTV decided that controlling rock was more important than letting the music industry develop organically. Now we're dictated what to like. It's no problem for MTV because their target demographic is teens, and psychologically they're easiest to control since people are the most subjectible and impressionable when they're kids.

Good point. I find it interesting how some teens will buy into whatever they are force fed by MTV, and some actually LISTEN to the music.
Teen record buyers were responsible for the success of everyone from Chuck Berry to The Black Eyed Peas. Big difference in quality!!!
I believe that there should be an IQ test for buying or making music. That way, we wouldn't have to deal with the crap on MTV today, because not only would no one buy it, no one would be making it.:lol:
nice to know i'm not the only one who feels that today's music is ALL SHITTY. and not just because i'm thirty... i miss MTV so much..back in summer of '91 when they had the various music blox : street and hard blox were when bring tha noize was played, then u had your rock, hit, oh hell i fergot t'other one, but good times, good times ALL VIDEOS ALL THE TIME, what a friggin concept..then 92 with the real world.
spelled the end for videos on mtv. they had been airing shows for a while like remote control, julie brown show (ugh) and half-hour comedy hour (still have the bill hicks clip, first time i saw him, still love him to this day..RIP Bill) but once those ad revenues came back from real world/road rules that is all she wrote...deep sigh. honestly mtv should not even call themselves that anymore...they lost that right when trl started - blah.
You know who is the worst? Fergie. Seriously. I liked Black eyed peas (gasp...not metal) but this chick should have remained sucking at their balls becuase on her own she's a no talent post op with bad bad music.

I thought 'My Humps' was one of the most embarassing songs ever and surely couldnt get any worse, then along came 'Fergilicious' :puke:
i do admit i'll listen to what is currently "hot" on the charts just so i know what the hell people are talking about but so much of it is god awful. the gwen stephani song "wind it up" ?well that wins the award for me for the biggest piece of crap. who the hell recorded that with a straight face ? fergelicious ? another terrible song someone spent hours and money to record in some kick ass studio. and while the new "christina agulerra stuff at least features some one who has a voice that can carry a tune (in key even!) the stuff is badly written and consists of a repeated chorus over some lame dance beat mixed with outdated swing music samples.
to me the worst part of all is that with such a throw away and short shelf life lifestyle we now have, they'll just keep pumping out the terrible music for years to come.

and who the hell decided rap music should contain people who's raps are unintelligable ?
i had to dig this thread up because i just had the privilage of hearing gwen stephani's "wind it up" in the background on the t.v. and, it reassured me that that song is one heaping pile of horse manure. i'm glad somebody had the brainstorm of mixing a shitty bass beat, the sound of music and, an old atari game sound track and then writing some crap ass lyrics over the top of it. WIND IT UP ! yodlle lay eee who ! :puke: