shitty people and an even shittier drunk


New Metal Member
Apr 27, 2006
So there I was drunk ass hell and it's 1 in the morning. I had just left a "punk/indie" club where there was only scandalous people about. Had to leave the people I was hanging with because they had blended in to well. So I head over to this irish bar where the girls are dressed in clad uniformes. And I felt like treating the girls in the fashion they were dressed so I felt no constrants about oggling them. I just turned 21 like half a year ago so I look kinda young and they must of thought I was under age so they sent this waitress over to talk to me. So this waitress comes up to me and asks to buy me a drink to where I reply no thanks but she insists on buying me the drink so I said ok. Then she trys to ask me my life story which all leads up to my age so I inovertely tell her im 20 prolly just to fuck with her and that's when she walks off all fast. So I then just walk over to her and ask her for her number to piss her off even more and thats when the bouncer rushes over to her aid and also the time I booked it as to not get my ass beat.
sounds nice. you should see sweden, our country is the epitome of what you're saying. in the weeks people are dead silent zombies, only to transform into drunken maniacs as soon as its friday night
It's the drinking culture.

At one of the Uni's I'm applying to in Northern Ireland, pretty much everybody who goes there commutes home for the weekend. So, Friday night before people see their families, they get trashed. Monday night, when they get back, they get trashed.
Plenty of violence here, homeless people, corruption, a shitload of holidays, carnaval, people need any little excuse to escape from their shitty lives, so drinking is an immensely mundane, common thing here...fuel to the fire, you get the picture
The ability to drink...and smoke cigarettes is unbelievable.

Yet smoking weed is wrong and illegal.

Which I will never get.

But I will get drunk right its the only intoxicate avaliable to me right now. the long run weed just makes you chill. You just wanna relax. Alcohol kills your liver and makes you a mean person...and you puke or run into oncoming traffic. I still like it, then again I'm a stay at home drunk. the long run weed just makes you chill. You just wanna relax. Alcohol kills your liver and makes you a mean person...and you puke or run into oncoming traffic. I still like it, then again I'm a stay at home drunk.

Well, I don't know....

Weed makes you as demotivated as fuck, which is bad.
I think there was a writer sometime who said something like this about his writing skills after using weed:
The more I gained in creativity, the more productivity I lost
That's why I make sure I have nothing to do if I do it. And I have not had any problems in future endeavors as a result either.
Oh yeah, I'm more of a once or twice a month person....but I can go months without it too. I am not a stoner in the slightest degree at all. I'm a casual drunk with zombies to start drawing!!!