Can't stop playing the new album

Right on Sava and Balanceofpower and thank you guy's so much for picking up the CD......YOU RULE!!

Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us and the band is very excited with the response of "SPecs of Pictures Burnt Beyond" thus far.

YOU ALL RULE and thank you everyone for help spreading the word....Word of mouth is Zero Hour's best PR!!!

Yes yes, kudos on the CD, I couldn't agree more with what has been said. The guitar work again is astounding, as well as the bass (love those sweeps!), well everyone is amazing on this CD......

I was a little nervous about Chris, as Erik and Fred were pretty fucking sweet, but he really pulled it off. A different overall sound for ZH, but its an awesome change of pace.

Also, I really felt the King Crimson Influence on the intro to "Face the Fear" and "Embrace". Intentional? Well its really awesome, big Crimson fan here. Frip>God

Also, again I really enjoyed "Seduction", and thanks for the sig! I hope to get "Night Pulse" sometime.

My entire band is heavely influeced by ZH, and we'll see you at Jaxx on the 11th along with some other fans we introduced to ZH.
Right on Morgan and totally appreciate the kind words!!!

Yeah I'm a huge Crimson fan and I actually used the name THRAK for the band Death Machine because of my love for KC!!!

I don't know if you know bro but if you haven't got your tickets for Jaxx yet, Please get your tickets from Odin's Court.....This helps us get paid for the show and us driving so much we'll be having a pretty big gas bill lol.

Here's the info.

DC/VA show:
If you are going to the Jaxx show, you must pre-order tickets from us so that both Odin’s Court AND Zero Hour can get paid. This is our “home” market, so we really hope everyone will be out in large numbers to put a cap on what we hope to be a great first time out on a mini-tour! Tickets are available on our website or MySpace through PayPal or credit card. For check or money order, make out a check to “Matt Brookins” for $12 per ticket and mail it, along with a self-addressed, stamped envelope to:

Odin’s Court
PO Box 1364
Lexington Park, MD. 20653

Thanks so much man again and really appreciate all the support. Please come up and say hello to us at Jaxx show.


Yeah man, I made sure everyone who bought tickets bought them through Odin's Courts web site. A good 6-9 People are coming!
MORGAN YOU TOTALLY RULE MAN and thank you so much for all the support. You're our best PR and appreciate it so much.

Have an awesome weekend and we'll see you at Jaxx.


Ok. So, my local record store had sold their copies within a day so I had to wait for another to come in. I finally got the record today and I'm really impressed. I've only given it one spin, so can't say too much now, but it's a fantastic listen.

I think that many bands know how to write great PARTS, but this album is full of great SONGS!!! (No weak moments or "filler"; just a solid, consistently listenable album.) That shows song-writing maturity and a real dynamic, collaborative effort from the band. Great job guys, I'll give more impressions soon... ;)
That's awesome Rakeman and thanks so much for going out and getting a copy my brutha...YOU RULE!! That's so METAL bro and thank you for sharing your thoughts thus far on the one listen you gave the CD. Look forward to what you think after a few more listens and we so appreciate it kat.



P.S. Kenneth you RULE so much for trying to get some extra people out our way for NYC.....You're the coolest kat.
I can't add anymore to what everyone has already said. I got this cd later than most. I absolutely love it. There is no doubt in my mind, this cd is going to really put the band over the top. There is the obvious chemistry of the brothers and Mike, then, add new (and powerful) blood of Chris to the mix. Simply, awesome!