Newer releases I can't stop spinning.

You're the first person I know that has said they liked the new PoS. I love the band and will probably pick it up at some point, but I'm very hesitant due to what people have been saying. Totally forgot about the Ihsahn disc. Need to give that one more plays.

Honestly, PoS' most favored releases don't do much for me, but I really dig the psychedelic/stoner rock direction they've taken here. Just don't go into it expecting prog metal. :)

I picked it up at PP, and since it's the only CD in my car, it got play on the multi-hour drive, and I've listened to it a few more times. Still can't really get into it. I mean, it's decent, but nothing that's grabbed me. It's sort of in that category now where I might not listen to it again for years to come. Same with the last album. I guess Kamelot is probably dropping off my blind buy list. Sad.

It was definitely a grower for me - I only liked about half the tracks on my first listen, but by the third or fourth I fell in love with the whole thing. I think it's much more solid than Ghost Opera was, and they did a really good job with the guest appearances - Jon Oliva and Simone sound amazing, and I was quite surprised by how much I liked Strid's contribution on "The Great Pandemonium." They did turn the dark knob up a lot, though, and I can see how that wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea.
Not only "frighteningly good"; it is probably album of the year for me.

Picked this up at ProgPower and finally had the chance to give it a spin this weekend during a long drive home...let me tell you something folks, Return to Zero by Spiritual Beggars completely smokes!!! I have been following them from the Spice-fronted days and I don't think I am overreacting after only 2 spins, but this here CD is a giant release! Would love to see these boys (no doubt an All-Star band) grace the stage at at ProgPower one day.
Picked this up at ProgPower and finally had the chance to give it a spin this weekend during a long drive home...let me tell you something folks, Return to Zero by Spiritual Beggars completely smokes!!! I have been following them from the Spice-fronted days and I don't think I am overreacting after only 2 spins, but this here CD is a giant release! Would love to see these boys (no doubt an All-Star band) grace the stage at at ProgPower one day.

"Concrete Horizon" is the best song I've heard all year. It's like MSG's "Desert Song" made into a 2010 tune.
You're the first person I know that has said they liked the new PoS. I love the band and will probably pick it up at some point, but I'm very hesitant due to what people have been saying. Totally forgot about the Ihsahn disc. Need to give that one more plays.
I'm a PoS fanboy, and I don't really like it that much. There are some good moments, a few decent songs even, but overall it just doesn't do it for me. And I LOVED the Linoleum EP.
You're kidding. "March of Mephisto," is the best song on Kamelot's best album, and it has growls.

You're right, that is a good song. The growls are further back in the mix, though. They're not an integral part of the song so that doesn't bother me as much. Sorry, I just hate growling. It's been done to death (pun intended).
You're the first person I know that has said they liked the new PoS. I love the band and will probably pick it up at some point, but I'm very hesitant due to what people have been saying. Totally forgot about the Ihsahn disc. Need to give that one more plays.

He isn't the only one. I like it too, tho I don't think it is among their best albums.

I've been listening to the new Voyager a lot.
For me it has been:
Utopia - "Ice and Knives" - some of the most impressive prog metal out this year
Day Six - "The Grand Design" - more damned impressive prog metal and
Enditol - "Enditol" - something called "djent metal." i have no idea what that is, but so far, this is probably my pick for best of the year.
Kamelot - PotP
new Blind Guardian
newest Pain of Salvation
Immortal - All Shall Fall (wait, that's not new)

Also, I've been playing Katatonia, Swallow the Sun, and Orphaned Land's entire discography non-stop since I got back from ProgPower because I am stupidly excited to see them this Thursday. Like as excited as a Japanese school girl that just found out Cloud Strife is real and he has a crush on her.