I survived the Lake Bodom

Lolita Vampiriá

Sister of Mercy
Feb 24, 2003
Espoo, Finland
I had so much fun last night at the Bodom beach with our metal club Mökä.

The weather was good, a lot of people there at the beach, having barbeque, we played metal and headbanged all night long and of course drank way too much beer. :D At some point the police even visited our camp. Luckily I was already asleep then. :lol:

Now having a terrible hangover but it was worth it.

Some pictures may be coming up later on.
Some pics from Bodom - more coming later on...

I'm the one on the left, drinking beer obviously. :D

The whole galleries (1 - 9): http://nexus.tky.hut.fi/bodom/index.htm


