I survived the Lake Bodom

nice pics!! too bad there were only 3 or 4 of you, and exactly 0 depicting nudism :-P where the hell is "the action" in those pics??? i checked all of them 3 times!! :-P j/k

sounds like it was a killer time... that sunset was incredible in pictures, i can only imagine what it was to be there in person (unless you were wasted for the night already ;-)
Lolita Vampiriá said:
Extender, could you take down that picture? :err:

I don't want any of the pictures posted in here by some people I don't even know.
First of all, the nick is Extendar. And second of all, like Zsuzsa said, why did you publish the link to the pictures, especially advertising that there may be pictures of you, if you don't want any of them posted anywhere?

If you don't want any pics of you spreading, stop posting urls to message boards and deny people from putting them pics online.

edit: Since it seemed to be a matter of life and death, I deleted my previous post.
Obviously you don't see the matter as I do. :/

First of all, I didn't publish the pictures but only the link and most of the pictures are fine by me. It is okay too if the pictures stay where they are now but do not post them here, please? It's completely different story to see them here. That is just my humble wish. I am anyway fine with the pics and all - but please do not make an issue out of it.

@Extendar: sorry about my mistake with your nickname, I was in a hurry.

@Zsuzsa: I was very disappointed to hear later at night that some guy had vandalized one of the statues during the night. :( I don't personally know that guy who did it.
Lolita Vampiriá said:
@Eagle: there were actually quite many of us... And the sunset was awesome indeed. ;)

hehe i meant 3 or 4 pics of YOU, not the bunch :-P

@the new batch: HOLY SHIT!!! i saw the light!!! holy crap, no wonder that flambe guy was barechest, with such heat going on there!! :-D (and i don't mean HIS heat!!)

@the vandalizing act: well at least it was somewhat artistic in itself... here in Argentina, those statues wouldn't last a night because people would tear them apart JUST BECAUSE :-( that's how fucked up our culture is
Chokehold... I asked before not to post any of the pics in here. I'm sure people can look at them on their own too without them being posted in here... Too big pics and everything.
I dunno why is it such a big deal to actually post the pix here, but since you seem to care about this, I wont do it.

About the vandalizing: the main reason that it upsets me coz I have seen that statue with my own eyes and I think about it as a good memory...now ruined :erk: But at some point I have to agree with Leo, at least he didnt destroy the whole out of fun..