I think ATG and Carcass should co-headline a US tour.

Probably everything from Slaughter of the Soul

Yeah, the new album that came out 13 years ago...
at this point, it's all old stuff.
And tbh, I like SotS more than TRITSIO (not looking for argument here). I don't really get why people hate that album so much just because it sounds like it was professionally recorded.

Anyhow, I think it would be a cool tour. I'd go.
Probably because the riffs suck, the overall song writing took a massive blow to the gut, and it was streamlined for mainstream consumption.
slaughter of the soul is definately better than the red in the sky is ours but i like terminal spirit disease as much or better than slaughter. either way if carcass and at the gates go to la i gotta drive down to see them, or if i go to wacken i'll see them.
slaughter of the soul is definately better than the red in the sky is ours but i like terminal spirit disease as much or better than slaughter. either way if carcass and at the gates go to la i gotta drive down to see them, or if i go to wacken i'll see them.

Yeah I probably like TSD the most also, SOTS being second. I think Gardens, With Fear, Red in the Sky, were all just crude half baked attempts at what they finally achieved with their last two.
slaughter of the soul is definately better than the red in the sky is ours

Okay, never again will you be taken seriously.

Yeah I probably like TSD the most also, SOTS being second. I think Gardens, With Fear, Red in the Sky, were all just crude half baked attempts at what they finally achieved with their last two.

What the fuck? Gardens and TRITSIO have NOTHING to do with TSD and SOTS - they're not even remotely attempts at the same thing, and if they were they were far better developed than their 'sellout albums.'

Even if you like TSD and SOTS more you can not call them crude and half-baked.
Okay, never again will you be taken seriously.

What the fuck? Gardens and TRITSIO have NOTHING to do with TSD and SOTS - they're not even remotely attempts at the same thing, and if they were they were far better developed than their 'sellout albums.'

Even if you like TSD and SOTS more you can not call them crude and half-baked.

Yes I can.

And 'sellout albums'? Grow the fuck up. :rolleyes:
No, you can't. They are incredibly developed musically and if you can't see that then you are not fit to be commenting on the band as a whole.

I don't know about you but 'Oh hey, we're getting attention from people lets clean our production up and streamline our music so more people like us' is pretty sellout-esque.
TRITSIO is extremely raw, but I wouldn't call it half-baked. I really don't like the sound on it, though. With Fear is incredible. I thought Terminal Spirit Disease was actually pretty average. I really like SotS.

@mort - they didn't sell out. There's a clear evolution of their sound. AS far as cleaning the production up, think that might have been related to them getting enough money and attention to rent a decent studio?
Who the fuck did they sell out to?

Yeah because At the Gates was just such a huge band in the 90s. All the kids were listening to them back then. All over the radio.

Wait... No they fucking weren't! The reality is that most who were part of the metal scene at the time didn't even really know who the fuck they were. Me and a hand full of my friends were the only ones really into them at the time among the metal fans we new. They didn't really starting to get "popular" until well after they broke up.

To say that their sound on TSD and SOTS was some attempt at commercialism is just idiotic and ignorant of the state of popular music of the time. SOTS was still leagues to harsh and offensive to popular tastes for any kind of radio play. For christs sake, numetal hadn't really hit at that point! The most "metal" thing in pop music at the time was grunge and alt-metal.

TSD and SOTS weren't sellout albums. They just played tighter, had better production, and had more coherent song writing. Thus were progressions over their previous work.
It's basically impossible for a death metal band to sell out. In order to sell out, someone needs to buy.
It is pretty blatant than the songwriting was not even remotely more coherent. It was simply streamlined. Typically, if a band starts out making complex music they don't dumb their material down overtime unless there is an incentive outside of the music.

SotS is a musical and artistic failure.
Looking through this thread, I feel like I'm eavesdropping on an argument where everyone is using a secret code I do not understand.
Their music has never been very "complex" so there wasn't anything to really "streamline". It just became tighter. Also 'streamlining' isn't necessarily a bad thing. Streamlining convoluted music is a very good thing.

Fuck I'm done with this argument.

If you simply had a subjective preference for their earlier stuff, then that would be fine. You would have yours and I would have mine.

But to state that they were trying to "sellout" with those albums, is just factually wrong, ignorant, and shows a complete lack of perspective on music of the time(maybe do to the fact that you were probably still learning nursery rhymes at the time)