I think the least-talked about PP8 performance was

I enjoyed Communic's set, but I agree with Hoyt. I feel like the band needs to add an extra guitarist to take some weight from the lead singer. I don't own anything from this band, but from what I can tell, I could get into their music. The drummer was very enjoyable for me to watch...the boy has skills! :notworthy

Communic's was a solid performance.

I don't think it's reasonable to expect an Edguy-like energy level from a band whose music is played at either a slow or medium tempo. And therein lies my first issue with the band; tempo. Their style is so close to what I really enjoy, I can't help but wish they'd play music with a bit more aggression to it. But hey, it's their music, they can do as they please. The other issue I have with Communic is, I feel that almost all of their songs could be two minutes shorter.

That last line is my only negative with the band. They could chop some time from the majority of their songs. I think their songs are plenty agressive, so I guess I disagree there.

I fear the same feeling for when Riverside plays next year. Love the band, like the songs, the albums sound great, but live......eh. However, I did appreciate the fanboys behind me that were headbanging so fiercely that the breeze was keeping me cool down on the floor...:rock:
I thought they were awesome. They definately provided me with the most headbanging moments of the fest. It's hard for a three piece band with a singer who plays lead guitar to be highly energetic on stage, so I didn't expect that. I didn't need that from them to get into the performance .. their songs are killer.

+1, especially the headbanging comment. I thought they sounded great live.

It seems some people want a band to sound exactly like they do in the studio when playing live, while other's like the live peformance to be more personal and immediate with some improv or roughness around the edges - a unique experience that you haven't heard countless times already on the CD. The bands are all in a damned-if-they-do and damned-if-they-dont scenario when put under the microscope which is this forum. :Smug:
I just wanted Communic ot play songs off Conspiracy in Mind, kind of a let down. Luminous Sky is good off latest album though
I wanted to hear Ocean Bed really bad ... was a bit disappointed they didn't play that one.


I was mainly yelling anything, history reversed, ocean bed, conspiracy in mind mostly...when he said their going to play a track same name as an album I was like fuck yeah! then he was like waves of visual decay :waah::waah:
Communic kicked my ass. Maybe more vocals would have been present with the normal bassist if he could have made it. I've seen videos of Communic touring with a keyboardist. Overall they kicked ass and were cool guys to meet. "Fooled By the Serpent" was played really fast :)
I enjoyed Communic a lot , They were one of the bands I wanted to see the most. Only 5 songs on their setlist which kind of stunk but their songs are so long. I was hoping for at least 7. Wanted History Reversed so bad.
I'm not a big fan, though I did enjoy what I saw of their set (I seemed to have missed parts of it when bringing stuff out to the car and meeting Pagan's Mind). I don't know what it was, though, but I just couldn't get into it - maybe it was the anticipation of finally seeing Pagan's Mind later that night. I would like to see them again and give them a proper chance, because I definitely do like these guys.