I thought I'd seen it all...

This is really old tbh. And has been a staying joke on irc for a few years were I hang. :p
We have even have a channel called #timecube and a fortune with all his quotes (not updated in a year or so though) for all kool unix users.
The earth is flat, the pictures from space are all fakes, and the reason why you can't see across the ocean, is because the further away something is, the greater the probability of a wave covering it.
The earth is flat, the pictures from space are all fakes, and the reason why you can't see across the ocean, is because the further away something is, the greater the probability of a wave covering it.

And Elvis? Totally not dead.

And the space landing was filmed and the FBI killed JFK and 911 was bombs rather than planes.
They have the Mayhem album with Dead's body with the caption ... Is this your child's future?

Truly Hilarious.

Also according to this website every single person on this forum is 'Gothic' in some form or another. It basically encompasses every teenager. Also anyone who listens to metal.