I thought this was very cool

Frank's right, bullying is more about the bully than the victim. It show's his own insecurities and fears. I dealt with it too and looking at the people involved, they all ended up much worse than me. My life is GREAT now while most of the idiots I dealt with as a kid are either in jail, homeless or dead. I'd say that they may have won he battles early on, but I won the war.
Frank's right, bullying is more about the bully than the victim. It show's his own insecurities and fears. I dealt with it too and looking at the people involved, they all ended up much worse than me. My life is GREAT now while most of the idiots I dealt with as a kid are either in jail, homeless or dead. I'd say that they may have won he battles early on, but I won the war.
Yeah luckily I never had to deal with bullying in high school as I played football and was really stacked lol. I squatted 500 pounds then, my knees remind me of it daily lol! Plus I always wore metal shirts and kept to myself so no one fucked with me. Frank is right and I love the message, bullies are pussies I always thought the nerds were the coolest in high school:rock:
I hate the idea of bullying. I think you should only pick on people that are smaller and weaker than you or who are generally socially unaccepted.
My son was bullied on Facebook and now has issues at school. It makes me so mad. What are the parents teaching thier kids? Most of the the bullies are not delt with correctly. I told my son that if the school cant resolve it, resolve it yourself and I'll back him to the hilt if he gets in trouble. I was bullied but I stood up for myself when I got sick of it and it stopped. These days people carry weapons so sticking up for yourself can have consequences.
My son was bullied on Facebook and now has issues at school. It makes me so mad. What are the parents teaching thier kids? Most of the the bullies are not delt with correctly. I told my son that if the school cant resolve it, resolve it yourself and I'll back him to the hilt if he gets in trouble. I was bullied but I stood up for myself when I got sick of it and it stopped. These days people carry weapons so sticking up for yourself can have consequences.
It's so difficult in these days I commend you parents for the job you do, I don't want kids and can't imagine how hard it can be. You're right when we were in school if someone fucked with us we could throw their head into a locker and they'd knock it off but nowadays there's weapons and crazy violence. Playing football kept me sane and any sports or other hobby are definitely great for any kid. Hope your son is good man!
We didn't have any bullying at school as far as I can remember. When needed, we beat the shit out of each other and that was it.
I was watching WWE classics on my xbox and saw this, Marty Jannetty wearing Overkill :loco:

It's so difficult in these days I commend you parents for the job you do, I don't want kids and can't imagine how hard it can be. You're right when we were in school if someone fucked with us we could throw their head into a locker and they'd knock it off but nowadays there's weapons and crazy violence. Playing football kept me sane and any sports or other hobby are definitely great for any kid. Hope your son is good man!

Schools are pretty quick to get cops involved too.