hey joey haters.. see this and Shut the fuck up!!

Devin fag (n.) -- A person who feigns self-depreciation to attract attention to oneself and who claims music is boundless to disguise the fact they are an utterly talentless musician or willfully ignorant music enthusiast.

Irony -- When one spells "Wilfully ignorant" incorrectly.
On topic, it seems the Joey haters are too few to bring down the revived Anthrax. It's no wonder Bushthrax didn't sell.

That would make sense in a world where people can only like one singer of a band, but luckily not everybody is as narrow-minded as you would think when you read the opinions that "metalheads" post on the Internet.
Isn't learning fun? See, you're less ignorant already.

Okay, so we're clear, let me lay it out on the table for you.
The irony is not because you spelled wilfully wrong. That is not irony. It's because you spelled it the way you did in this context. Even though everywhere in the world the word wilfully is spelled with three "L"'s Americans continue to spell it with four. Therefore, they spell it like this knowing full well that the word was not originally contrived this way.
When a person, or a group of people blatantly disregard and purposely ignore a fact and persist by their own means they are.................

PS: Please don't misunderstand me, I'm not calling Americans dumb. They invented Dental Floss, and that's awesome. :grin:
If Anthrax had a dollar for every Bushbaby opinion, they'd be as wealthy as Lars Ulrich.

Anthrax would be equally wealthy with a dollar from every moronic, disrespectful, annoying "Belladonnababy" opinion you've posted here in recent times.

I like John and I like Joey, you on the other hand have to be one of the most retarded fuckwits to ever grace the internet, so you're up against a fair bit of competition.

Oh well, with a little luck hopefully you'll die in some ridiculous fashion one day soon. Bye now :)
No, merely that each Bushbaby opines/whines incessantly across numerous forums despite giving not one red cent to their cause. They want the teat but are too lazy to suckle. Bushthrax failed because Bushbabies are lazy, jobless niggards.

Ah, so i am not a "Bushbaby". Thanks for clarification.

You whine more about Bush and his fans alone than all "Bushbabies" whine about Joey / no-Bushthrax-anymore together. By far.
Originally Posted by DumbAss
When a person, or a group of people blatantly disregard and purposely ignore a fact and persist by their own means they are.................

Unorthodox, not ironic.

No......they are wilfully ignorant.
It is your wilfully ignorant spelling of the word “wilfully” in the context of “wilfully ignorant” that is ironic.
Now, can we be done with this and go back to what’s really important, arguing over who is the better Anthrax singer.
Too late.... Despite our mutual taste in music I hate you. Not because of what you said but because I now know you aren't American.

Well, okay then. Since I completely trust your opinion, I guess I have to agree, that us non-Americans must be totally hate-worthy..................also, far too accommodating.
A well-established, widely-used alternate spelling is not an example of willful ignorance. LOL

You are IGNORING the subtlties of the language. Ignorance denotes a lack of knowledge, whereas unorthodoxy denotes a refusal. Unsurprisingly, it takes a Belladonna fan to edify the Bushbaby masses.


Okay, well it's clear you do not know what wilfully ignorant means, which is funny because you were the one that used it here first.
So, anyway have a good one dude. I'm not wasting any more of my night on this.