I thought you could upload jpg's?

Officer Nice

Oct 7, 2002
After a few beers and being annoyed at some pompous fuckface on
another board (think metal beginning after R and S) I'm stuck on
this picture stuff.

I thought you could upload jpg's but all I see is a URL pointer thing....

Help Me Out?


im lost....what do you mean? do you mean putting the
Maharet said:
im lost....what do you mean? do you mean putting the tags on something or what?[/QUOTE]

I thought you could open a button-thingy and upload a jpg picture
into this reply window from your local hard disk.
All I see is a pointer to a website ([url]http://.[/url]..) and I dont have a website.
Not good enough and it's too much work.

apparently the pix are bitmap images and geocities doesn't support
them, only jpg and gif so I tried opening them with a bunch of
programs to try to change the properties of the image and nothin
will let me...

Help? any ideas?

got them changed and compressed to jpegs and I uploaded them to
geoshitties so now I just gotta do the whiz-bang page building and
it'll be FINALLY done.

SORRY for the wait. My skills aren't in Web.
