i took a chance on a joke last night and it utterly failed


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
Someone was talking about humiliating punishments for Saddam Hussein and I guessed that there must be a football team called the Crusaders and said something about them going to the Super Bowl and making him sit in the front row with a big foam Crusaders hand and cap on on national TV and everyone was dead silent.

That's my story of how I learned there are no pro football teams named the Crusaders. Either that, or that the joke was much worse than I thought.
i have a joke:

alex walks into a bar and says to the bartender, 'i have this really awesome joke' and the bartender says 'oh no....'

(j/k alex)
well, they made fun of me for that all night. "Hey Alex, on Saturday night, the Patriots will be playing the SHELBYVILLE CRUSADERS!"

I also asked if the Rose Bowl was baseball, to tears of laughter. sigh.
my jokes fail for completely different reasons...

like when I told some hot girl that I was dressed as an AIDS patient for Halloween when she asked where my costume was.

<--- lady's man.
also did you laugh out loud yourself?

that's the worst...

like once I did that..some girl was talking to me and I'm like
"sorry, I can't hear you over Rich's sweater..." (he was wearing something very orange and neonish)

and then I laughed really loudly, alone, and everone else was like...dude, that joke is so Three's Company.
It's much funnier when jokes fail than succeed. It gives off this really awkward feeling in which you can: A. Look like a dumbass, or B. Take off your pants to confuse everyone.