I tried hard to resist...finally I gave up


HCAF crusher
Jul 2, 2006
perhaps some of you still know the Band "Incubator" from the 90ies ...
there's been alot of shit going on between some of the former members in the past years...anyway the Band decided to reunite and I have been asked to rejoin a year ago...I refused cause I'm way too busy with studio-work to play in 2 bands but I was asked to record their new Demo and forthcoming albums...beeing in the studio with them lead to what was inevitably and finally I found myself to play half of the Rh-gits and some Solos on the Demo...1 day later it was announced on their (our) HP that I'm playing guitars with them again....
you just can't resist music ;)

anyway, the recordings for the demo wwnt quite well and I think I'm gonna post something of our new stuff next week, so be prepared ;)

fun to play kinda deathmetal again tho ;)