I finally saw one

I lived in Texas for four years when I was a small chap (I think it was up to 2nd grade or something like that) and my little sister was born there, but I was so small i can't really say anything good or bad about them. I only have to point out the best thing to ever come out of texas IMO (not my sister, she's a spoiled brat):
after doing some research...heres what i found

The KKK began after the civil war and now is well known for their near-sighted approach that only white Americans deserve the rights bestowed under the Constitution. They commonly take part in acts of violence and non-violence in order to intimidate and keep minorities down. You can find plenty of propaganda on the internet discussing the KKK's direction as a peaceful organization, but most Americans with any exposure to this group know that violence and intimidation are the core purposes this group still exists.

While there is some overlap of membership, the NRA is an independent group and exists to represent individuals that believe the second amendment to the Constitution states that citizens of the US should have the right to bear any arms they would like. This belief allows them to use their resources to fight any change in law or philosophy that would inhibit their ability to buy and possess guns. This, of course, means that many of their efforts are spent protecting automatic weapons. This is only because the group believes that if government takes away the automatic weapon, they believe that their hunting rifles and handguns are not far after.

The Nazis are also an independent group, although many of the KKK members like to claim to be Nazis as well. The Nazis were simply a political party in Germany starting in 1919, similar to your Democrats and Republicans in the US. With the rise to power of Adolf Hitler, though, it became the party of hatred and extinguishing of the Jewish population. Now in most countries it is a symbol for hatred and violence.