I saw whitechapel last night......

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
I saw them at the Starland Ballroom, there live sound was MASSIVE. All there amps and everything were covered up. And i hate to say it too, but the subdrops shook every bone in my body. They are definetly up in my top 5 for best live show. The Acacia Strain were really good too. I didn't care for Veil of Maya or Chelsea Grin. Anyone know what Veil Of Maya does for that weird lead tone in alot of there songs? Overall it was a really good night (except for getting knocked out for a few minutes lol).

Anybody else see them?
seen whitechapel + acacia strain recently, they were awesome

whitechapel didn't have their amps covered up,
5150mk3 all three IIRC

i liked acacia strain more though, they were a lot better than i expected
Yeah, I haven't seen whitechapel live, but slowly their becoming a band i'm really really into. I think they and jfac will outlive the deathcore scene, but maybe i'm wrong.