I wanna see (er, hear) you play...

Just about any old hymn would kick some major butt. I think Amazing Grace is one of the best songs ever, but every band covers it. Theocracy should do something like When I Survey The Wonderous Cross, or Jesus Paid it All, or On Christ The Solid Rock I stand, or well... any hymn would do actually.
Just about any old hymn would kick some major butt. I think Amazing Grace is one of the best songs ever, but every band covers it. Theocracy should do something like When I Survey The Wonderous Cross, or Jesus Paid it All, or On Christ The Solid Rock I stand, or well... any hymn would do actually.

YES! Jesus Paid it All would be a good one! I was actually thinking about how it would sound the other day. Oh and I am the newest member!!! :grin::lol:
Have you guys heard the theocracy christmas medly? its really cool!:kickass::kickass: you probably have already heard it lol!:rock::rock: i like the part near the begining best! like a minute into the song! :)
yes someone said that earlier and I agreed. I was actually thinking about how it would sound a few days before it was suggested but never thought someone else would say it. so i was gonna... then i see the comment and im like :cool: oh cool already suggested