Petition for Nevermore to play Narcosynthesis and This Sacrament on next tour

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
I really wanna hear you guys play Narcosynthesis and This Sacrament on the next tour. I know that Narco. was played this tour, but I missed you guys, and that kinda pissed me off because I couldnt find the date untill it was too late. So, who else wants to hear these songs on the next tour? Maybe if we bug them enough, they'll play em, also plug in the songs you wanna hear.
Forget Narco, I want them to play 42147, The learning, Seven Tongues of god.... ALL OF POLITICS AND DNB...

Plus The dreaming mind... (*grin* at WD), ha ha.
I want them to play all 5 cd's all the way through beginning to end and while they're at it play all the sanctuary stuff....:grin:

But really, i want to hear 7 tongues, poison godmachine, timothy leary, 42147, heart collector, next in line, and deconstruction
fuckin shit, didn't i make this thread only in non petition form?
I'll bug em to play CBF, Sea of Possibilities, Matricdie, In Memory, Lost, The Learning, No More Will
WOOOAHHH!! that would kick ass to hear any of those live.
hey WD, play those in Toronto, you know you love Toronto! You know you love the Kathedral and the Reverb!!
I think we might here Narchsynthesis on the next tour, but I fear we won't get anything from the first. Mr. Dane said, asked about the first album and how come that they didn't play anything from it, on the last tour, : "...... well, basically, because it sucks..." So..... unfortunatelly... I'm not sure we'll here CBF (my favourite from the 1st).... Though ... Mr.Dane didn't mean it .... maybe.... :rolleyes: :grin:
Well... I don't think they ll play the learning again...
I guess that from POE "Next in line" will b for sure... :loco::loco::loco::loco::loco::loco::loco: as well...
but who knows...???
Lets hear what the newbie has to say and i hope that it the new one will b my most wanna-hear/see-live. :grin:
AHHH Yessss!!! PLsss!! Narcosynthesis roooooocks!!!! omg their concert last year was the best concert i've ever been to lol :) :)
I would like to see 'The Heart Collector' again and also 'Believe in nothing'.. they didn't play that one.. :(

C ya around,
