I will Give Anyone The New Anthrax

Jun 2, 2002
Chicago area
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I am So Digin this new Anthrax, If anyone would like me to send them a cd let me knowmy email is www.sgt511@juno.com. I will reply to you with my address. all i ask from you is to send a doller or a doller worth of stamps and something i could send it back to you in...for all the non-believers I am Sending JUNO a copie in the morning, so you can wait from him to post saying he got it..but i would never try to rip off Fello Anthrax fans...I want you all to here this so bad...it kicks...the songs i have that will be on the cd i send you are as fallow
1. Safe Home
2. What Dosent Die
3. Takin The Music Back
4. Think About an End
5. Refuse To Be Denied
6. Super Hero(The Sound is not real good but its still ok.. I got it off KNAC.com)

so let me know if you want 1
but you have to promis that wether you like it or not you are still gunna buy the cd when it comes out..and if i have never seen you post i will not send you a copie..only the regulers in here will i send 1 to...
well said buddy,although getting a copy to australia might be a hard ask hehehe

hearing superhero on knac sure fired me up

glad some people know how to share!!!
Its nice that someone is gonna send copies of the Promo to other members , but cant you all just wait and enjoy the real thing when it comes out!! Isnt there something cool about buying a CD, getting it home and unwrapping it or unwrapping it in the car and sticking it on the car stereo - I just dont agree with sending this stuff around like this - the guys have worked long and hard to make what I believe (and yes I do have a full album copy!!) is the best Anthrax album ever - and yes I know that most people on this board will buy it - but some will not - and all that does is take money away from the guys in the band - and for those of you who dont know, being in a band doesnt make you a millionaire overnight, its fucking hard work and the pay days are few and far between.

Just wait dudes and enjoy it when it comes!!! Please!!
MArk J
it's a promo, key word promo. they are released to get the music heard and that is what buddy is doing. I would be wary if it was the whole album but like I said it's a promo. think of it as a freeware demo of a new computer game. It doesn't have ALL the songs. I will be just as excited when the new ANthrax comes out.
I still want a copy Buddy!!!!!
Right on, Buddy! That's cool. And I'm glad your only sending it to people who you know will buy the album.
I can understand what MarkJ is saying, but I couldn't wait. I really, seriously wanted to wait until I could unwrap the album in my car, slide the disc in, and listen to it for the first time. But it's fucking ANTHRAX. There's no way I could wait!

By the way, I'll be buying a few copies of this album, and I'll be promoting it on the street!

Sharing is not a Crime.
Buddy would be in prison right now if some dick named "Lars-The-Greedy-Bitch" was a member of Anthax.
Let us all praise thanks for Charlie, Scott, John, Rob, and Frank, for not being greedy bitches.
"Thank you O'Lord.

Fuck Metallica.:bah:
ANTHRAX RULES!:headbang:
dont put www in front then that may help. and some 1 sent me a e mail wanting the cd and did not give me there Board name, like i said if you are not some one who post here often, i will not send you the cd. so be sure to include it in you e mail...and Td is the only name i have recognized so far..
...i'll wait for the official realease. & i hope the 'guys' here don't do anything stupid like what they've done to Megadeth.

...with Megadeth, the malaysian govt has banned their album's & their gig for TWNAH was cancelled.

..so i really hope a band with a name ANTHRAX could be released here without any disturbance....

...here's to ANTHRAX....kick some ass next year will ya!!!