I will make album artwork for YOUR band!!!


New Metal Member
Aug 3, 2016
****J.T.H Music Art****

I will make you album art for you or your band!!!! I love making music and album art for everyone!!! I use many programs to make it and sometime may use more than one! I do (most) genres of music spanning from black metal to soft rock and everything in between!!! If you would like to see some demo art work you can E-mail or P.M me what genre of music you are and I will gladly send demos of my art work I have done. You can E-mail me or P.M me (PM will be responded to faster) (E-mail is at the bottom of the page) any question will be responded I have a few rules that follow:

NO NSBM/ANYTHING I FIND TOO DISTURBING- I do not support the idea of NSBM and refuse to do anything that may offend anyone
MUST PAY IN CASH- I do not accept anything besides cash and it will always be that way
MUST PAY IN HALF- I do not accept one full payment and if you must add 3 extra dollars you must add it to the final payment

1 album is $7.00
If you do not like the art you will get to keep the other one but you will be charged an extra $3 for another
anything different will be negotiated

If you buy 2 album art at one you only have to play $12.00

My E-Mail is j.t.hmusicart@outlook.com
My Website is http://jthmusicart.weebly.com/