i wonder how long i could go without food before i lost my shit


Aug 2, 2002
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like, i was reading this article about a monk who went something like 63 days without eating and he said it ruled. not that i could handle this, but seriously, that's a long time to just drink tea.
she has a lot of um... 'reserves' so to speak.

incidentally, she refused to come to a party they had for me at work on thursday. the bitch.
Yo I'm livin' in this time behind enemy lines
so I got mine, I hope you ("got yourself a gun")
You from the hood, I hope you ("got yourself a gun"
you want beef I hope ya ("got yourself a gun")
And when I see you I'ma take what I want
so you tried to front, hope ya ("got yourself a gun")
You ain't real, hope ya ("got yourself a gun")
if they had a vegan cake, she probably would have been unable to resist chowing down on three or four pieces, and then precious belly-space would have been taken up by something that doesn't have quite as many calories and calories-from-fat as he needs to keep up her energy reserves. and, uh, lovely figure.
they didnt even get me a vegan cake, can you believe it? this place is strange. they have a party for a vegan and give me a cake i can't eat. sigh!

anyway, my coworker is double dog daring me to see how long i can go without food, only drinking 16 ounces of vegetable juice a day. i may disappear if i try it, but he said if i go more than 5 days he'll give me $50 and take my two worst cases here at work.... hm...
bina pls tell me you're not fasting for the month because then you would disappear and i would be sad because i wouldnt be able to see you!
yes i am fasting which is like the most stupid thing ever because i keep getting migraines and then can't take meds and then i want to cry. sad panda!

but i won't lose weight so don't worry about that. i never do!
yeah it's for ramadan. i'm not religious at all, but it's just something i do for some reason, and andy does it with me.

i can't eat or drink from sunrise to sunset. it's not so bad in the winter (it moves along the lunar calendar). the only thing that sucks is i get dehydrated and then i get migraines. that kind of blows. usually it's not a problem at all but this year i'm having some issues, like insanely ouchy pains in my stomach, and i'm not sure why. ??
maybe the food you are eating when you finally do eat are too acid forming! try having brown rice hunny!
i can't believe you guys do that, i give you total props because like, i dunno if i could do that for a month. i hope your headaches go away tho. i will put a curse on them.
Ramadan sure makes for a festive holiday season. Coupled with Hanukka it truly makes for a festival of lights.

hah stultus! but i thought ramadan was supposed to be bomb-free??

ramadan is definitely hard-core as religious holidays go. i'm really glad i'm not a Coptic Christian--they have to fast for something like 210 days out of the year! i mean, holy crap!
It is a very good thing that Ramadan is bomb-free, as that way people can expect to randomly die only after sundown this month. Seriously though, not eating makes people cranky and crankiness coupled with a cause is a very bad thing.

A wierd trend that I've noticed as of late is that many non-religious people who do not adhere to any of their religion's practices do fast. I know many an atheist whose only religious practice is to fast on Yom Kippur or during Ramadan.