I wonder how long it would take me to crank out 26 pages.

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland
I used to do it every few weeks.

I have this week off.

I wonder how many complaints I'd get if one of the Quintology "themes" isn't really themed.

It's not wise to spend money like this, but I owe a shitload of people issues anyway, money is going to become really fucking tight after a month or two, and feeling like I am accomplishing something is going to be worth far more than a few euros in my pocket.

Game on.
Just figure out what your priorities are right now. This mag, next issues of the mag, or getting a job and earning decent enough income so that you are in a good position to also continue writing the magazine with a clearer mindset.


I have patience, just like being kept informed hehe.