I wonder

Yeah, yeah. I pretty much do. After years of watching one of my favorite bands put out trash in the form of Stomp and WCFYA, seeing one of the best and most unique vocalist in thrash metal get belittled and trashed by fans of a vocalist who sings in a gravelly voiced monotone and listening to know-nothing Bush fans try to pretend that the Bush-era was the classic and real Anthrax, I feel I am entitled to a great big "I told you so!".

Belladonna has come back and since then Anthrax has:

1. Released what will be their highest selling and most well-reviewed album since the early 90s.

2. Has become relevant again in the world of metal, after an almost two decade absence of being relevant.

3. Shown that Belladonna can not only sing in a lower key but he does it as well or better than Bush. Take a listen to "I'm Alive" or "Crawl" both songs written in style similar to the Bush-era tunes but Joey nails them better than Bush would have.

Yet, there are still idiots out there that insist that Bush would be better for Anthrax. Absolutely hysterical. Had Bush been in the band this album would not have sold half as well as it has and Anthrax's descent into irrelevance would have been complete.

Fair weather fan you are. Unlike most here that have stuck by them through everything. Insulting wanker............
The guy fucked up so badly, and for that he'd got fired, stripped of future royalties and glory, and expensive booze, and strippers, and... I just feel sorry for him. To have a such great opportunity and flush it down the toilet instead of... flushing down the toilet something else.
I think these days he's already miserable enough without us rubbing salt into his wounds.
The guy fucked up so badly, and for that he'd got fired, stripped of future royalties and glory, and expensive booze, and strippers, and... I just feel sorry for him. To have a such great opportunity and flush it down the toilet instead of... flushing down the toilet something else.
I think these days he's already miserable enough without us rubbing salt into his wounds.

I guess we shouldn't be talking "shit" about him then.................:lol:
The guy fucked up so badly, and for that he'd got fired, stripped of future royalties and glory, and expensive booze, and strippers, and... I just feel sorry for him. To have a such great opportunity and flush it down the toilet instead of... flushing down the toilet something else.
I think these days he's already miserable enough without us rubbing salt into his wounds.

come on :lol: