"I Worship Chaos" Discussion Thread

The album has actually grown on me quite a bit which I didn't think possible. Not sure about any new favorites yet (I still think it's All for Nothing) but there are good parts throughout. The same actually happened to WIWI. The song has an awful solo, but the rest of it is pretty decent.
Top tier: AFN, Horns
Second tier: Widdershins, Suicide, My Bodom, Prayer, Tongue, I Hurt
Shit tier: Morrigan, IWC
ordered best to worst

sorry but yeah. Boring, repetitive, uninspired, weak solo, way too long, sits in the middle of an otherwise lively album, which already has two slow songs. Verdict: load of bollocks :kickass: And it sounds just as shit live.
This album is epic. I enjoy every single song (even IWC which is not skipped anymore).
In previous albums i rarely go to the end (may be last ending songs were lame northpole, One bottle..). Putting a top 3 song at the end is a good strategy, but it doesn't mean the songs in the middle are weak..
Can't agree one bit. I think I have done 3 full listens and have already stoped listening to it. The only song I come back to is All for Nothing which is a great one.

Sure, they did a good job with it but it's just not my cup of tea. It's too sterile.
This album is epic. I enjoy every single song (even IWC which is not skipped anymore).
In previous albums i rarely go to the end (may be last ending songs were lame northpole, One bottle..). Putting a top 3 song at the end is a good strategy, but it doesn't mean the songs in the middle are weak..

:D One Bottle is IMO one of the best songs on HOB. The intro riff is just damn awesome and the melody after it is also great.

Can't agree one bit. I think I have done 3 full listens and have already stoped listening to it. The only song I come back to is All for Nothing which is a great one.

Sure, they did a good job with it but it's just not my cup of tea. It's too sterile.

Kinda my story too. 4 or 5 listens, and AFN is mostly the reason I return to it. The others are okay too, but they don't make me want to listen to the album. I'm not bored while listening to them though.
From the I Worship Chaos verse melody I get the feeling your soul is trapped in a freakish doll through some dismal curse, moved merely by strings, and you can't help your faith.

With that vision the verse makes so much sense musically. There was a story on Creepypasta about your soul being stolen into a wooden doll with human skin and only your eyes, then tossed to a circus, somehow I got this mind connection.
Heh. My opinion on the album seems to change depending on whether I'm listening to it or not. Whenever I'm listening to it I like it, whenever I'm not listening to it all I can think of is the lack of melodies and thus don't like it. :D

Horns has recently become one of the better songs on the album. It sounds like a mash up of their old songs but it's still good.
From the I Worship Chaos verse melody I get the feeling your soul is trapped in a freakish doll through some dismal curse, moved merely by strings, and you can't help your faith.

With that vision the verse makes so much sense musically. There was a story on Creepypasta about your soul being stolen into a wooden doll with human skin and only your eyes, then tossed to a circus, somehow I got this mind connection.

So I was hanging with one of my friends last night who's never liked CoB when I played it for him (before IWC came out) because he said the intesity of the music made him all wired up, which is interesting in itself. Anyway and I played Hold Your Tongue and Morrigan for him and he really liked it. Fucking Illuminati man.
after a few listens all i can say is that Hold Your Tongue sure has some old bodom feel in it, i like the song really much but find it a shame the guitar solo is so lame!
Unlike most, I was optimistic about this album. We already know that Bodom isn't Bolt Thrower or Obituary, that they don't do the same over and over, so I was open to change/development. What I was hoping for was complexity and richness. But I ended up somewhat disappointed, not because there are a whole lot of bad songs, but because so many songs have parts for which I don't care.

- I Hurt: Starts with a bang, but is followed by a powerful-sounding but lame and simplistic series of chords that make up the chorus. Verses on the other hand are good, intricate, complex.

- My Bodom: Don't care for the In Flames breakdowns beginning, too simple. The part that follows is a bit strange for COB, I guess it's sort of heavy metalish. Verses sound ok but still too simple. The chorus though massively redeems the song and is reminiscent of Ugly.

- Morrigan: Another song that starts with a bang AND has a fantastic chorus, but again the first part the verses, that awful high-pitched silliness, I can't get into that. Wonderful solo.

- Horns: this album's "Halo of Blood" with the black metalish-sounding beginning. Love the energy of the "old-school death metal C-section or something," too bad the entire song doesn't carry it. But it's among the more flawless songs of IWC in that there isn't any part that I dislike.

- Prayer for the Afflicted: This album's ballad. Slower than other COB ballads, with a lovely melody. But the other sections are relatively forgettable. Guitar slides and stuff keeps it mildly entertaining. Song had potential but needed something more.

- I Worship Chaos: Nice powerful starting riff. But that's all it has going for it. Song devolves into amateur silly simplicity during the verses. Chorus is also surprisingly weak. You kinda want this song to be played live because kids would go nuts, but at the same time there are better ones. I do enjoy the guitar work underneath the key solo.

- Hold Your Tongue: The second flawless song. Nothing here is offensively bad, but at the same time, no part truly stands out. The best part is the pre-chorus.

- Suicide Bomber: Another song that starts with a bang and has a great chorus. Verses are well-suited, but needed more punch. Love the second solo. Overall the song ends on its most powerful note.

- All for Nothing: Complete crap. There I said it. The skip-worthy song of IWC. Way too slow and lacking in any interesting bit. Weird vocals are neat. 2:22-2:45 are the only worthwhile seconds. Everyone who thinks this song is good is nuts or must listen to pop or something. This is like the recent In Flames pop songs. Just awful, especially the ending.

- Widdershins: Perhaps All for Nothing was the price to pay for Widdershins because with it things pick up considerably. Especially once we get to the spectacular chorus--my goodness, it would be murderous live, not that they will every play it live. But again, had the song build around and maintained the energy of the chorus, it could have been among COB's great. Instead it ends with a complete WTH moment of the breakdowns, which could have worked had it lasted 5 seconds instead of 40. Awesome solos, though. Enjoyed the understated keys here.

One has to wonder about how this album was composed. The songs seem much more fragmentary and internally inconsistent. Almost as if Alexi one week decided to compose 7 or so galloping breakdowns and distribute them among 10 songs. Then separately came up with a couple of bombastic intros and on another occasion some amazing choruses and then randomly distributed those 3 elements.

Not crazy about the sound of IWC as a whole. Guitars should have been gutsier, bass is almost absent, drums sound much weaker than necessary. Vocals are good though.

So I'm being overly critical here even though I will be listening to this album regularly till the next album, or the next Psycroptic or Eluveitie albums.
- Horns: this album's "Halo of Blood" with the black metalish-sounding beginning. Love the energy of the "old-school death metal C-section or something," too bad the entire song doesn't carry it. But it's among the more flawless songs of IWC in that there isn't any part that I dislike.

- Hold Your Tongue: The second flawless song. Nothing here is offensively bad, but at the same time, no part truly stands out. The best part is the pre-chorus.

- All for Nothing: Complete crap. There I said it. The skip-worthy song of IWC. Way too slow and lacking in any interesting bit. Weird vocals are neat. 2:22-2:45 are the only worthwhile seconds. Everyone who thinks this song is good is nuts or must listen to pop or something. This is like the recent In Flames pop songs. Just awful, especially the ending.

- Widdershins: Perhaps All for Nothing was the price to pay for Widdershins because with it things pick up considerably. Especially once we get to the spectacular chorus--my goodness, it would be murderous live, not that they will every play it live. But again, had the song build around and maintained the energy of the chorus, it could have been among COB's great. Instead it ends with a complete WTH moment of the breakdowns, which could have worked had it lasted 5 seconds instead of 40. Awesome solos, though. Enjoyed the understated keys here.

One has to wonder about how this album was composed. The songs seem much more fragmentary and internally inconsistent. Almost as if Alexi one week decided to compose 7 or so galloping breakdowns and distribute them among 10 songs. Then separately came up with a couple of bombastic intros and on another occasion some amazing choruses and then randomly distributed those 3 elements.

Not crazy about the sound of IWC as a whole. Guitars should have been gutsier, bass is almost absent, drums sound much weaker than necessary. Vocals are good though.

So I'm being overly critical here even though I will be listening to this album regularly till the next album, or the next Psycroptic or Eluveitie albums.

In Flames in basically pop now? Glad I haven't bought any of their new albums then. But its ironic that one of your favorite off this album is Hold Your Tongue considering Alexi said "Its a rock song." Its the least Bodom of the entire album. Horns is good shit, catchy lryics and catchy riffs and really headbanging keyboard solo followed by Alexi sliding down is guitar (is that a 1 string "solo" because it kind of sounds like it). I actually find All For Nothing to be pretty good, he took what he learned from DMHOY and twisted it a little more. It has really good lyrics, the soloing at the end is odd though. I don't blame you for not liking that part. Widdershins is dank as fuck, I get you wanting more solo's instead of those breakdowns but I actually really like them it gives the song "Atmosphere" :loco::loco::loco:
I don't know what In Flames claims to be doing these days but their last two albums are nothing like the previous ones. Yeah, Hold Your Tongue is more rock than metal but it doesn't bother me all that much. It's not a song I put on repeat either. Most people here have a thing for All For Nothing for some reason, I don't get it. I've always found breakdowns to be the least atmospheric practice, granted that they do work somewhat in Widdershins.
I don't know what In Flames claims to be doing these days but their last two albums are nothing like the previous ones. Yeah, Hold Your Tongue is more rock than metal but it doesn't bother me all that much. It's not a song I put on repeat either. Most people here have a thing for All For Nothing for some reason, I don't get it. I've always found breakdowns to be the least atmospheric practice, granted that they do work somewhat in Widdershins.

All for Nothing just reminds me of how much time I waste in my life for some reason. Thats probably why I like it. Widdershins gets away with it because the rest of the song is fast, guitar slows down during the verse, but Alexi keeps the intensity with his vocals, I really like how the guitar and vocals change speeds throughout with the whole song stays the same overall intensity.
I hate the album, it's not good, it has its moments, probably like it hust as good as blooddrunk, but thats my least favorite. From a guitarists perspective it blows beyond belief...drums too. Nah, if this continiues, count me out... Not one good solo, only sluggish riffs. Only good thing is the lyrics, they have got a lot better, but Ive never loved bodom for vocals, no offence to Alexi, but he should focus on fast power metallish guitar leads, not chugging around while singing.....
Oh and I wont buy it, not ever, they won't have any of my money, not on the album and not live.