"I Worship Chaos" Discussion Thread

- I Hurt: Decent intro riff, very bad chorus, pretty good pre-chorus.

- My Bodom: Good chorus, pretty meh otherwise.

- Morrigan: A pretty decent song. It's nothing spectacular though. Too simple and long.

- Horns: Apart from the pretty bad chorus this one sounds like a mash up of Halo of Blood, One Bottle and a Knee Deep and Waste of Skin. Overall one of the better songs on the album.

- Prayer for the Afflicted: Good parts throughout but way too simple to be so long. Perhaps too slow too.

- I Worship Chaos: Decent intro riff, but overall a very bad song. Best part of the song is Alexi's scream after the solo. It just sounds freaking brilliant.

- Hold Your Tongue: A decent song. Can't remember much more than the "Shut the fuck up" part, but overall it's one of the better songs so far. Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood riff before the verse. Good solo.

- Suicide Bomber: Good intro/chorus and pre-chorus (The FTR-ish key melody part). The verse is the best heavy riff on the album. One of the best songs on the album.

- All for Nothing: Atmospheric keyboard verses that are great, and one of Alexi's all time best riffs for a chorus. The thrash riff halfway through is perhaps a bit out of place, and the ending solo is too long, but it's still my favorite on the album.

- Widdershins: Atmospheric keys in the verse. Reminds me a bit of the verse in Skyfire's "Conjuring the Thoughts". The chorus is IMO somewhat boring. Awful ending. Decent solos.
They should get a new singer who can do black metal vocals, and force Alexi to write lead-oriented stuff, memorable beats and intense keyboards.

It's intriguing how these songs are so long yet they seem to end much sooner than their fast, blazing and short songs like SNBN. This album is longest but maybe poorest on musical information.

A year ago I wrote they should do short, 3 minute long songs, and only 8 of them, and have atmospheric passages in between songs to create anticipation and climax, with densely packed musical information and technical tightness, in case they're out of ideas. Instead they decided to spread it out over too long time span.
I just listened to hatebreeder, HCDR and HoB.
It is incredible how good these albums are. Not a single bad song. Most of them are great. Few are just... good. But 95% of this stuff is superb. IWC makes you appreciate it even more.

My other observation is that on these three albums every song, almost every riff makes you want to grab a guitar. This is not the case in IWC. I mean it has its moments (I actually love SB and Widdersomething) but overall... Forgettable.
The worrying part is there are no good new bands, it seems. I'm listening to atmospheric doom metal that's dark and epic as fuck. That stuff still lives, unlike the great 90's metal bands (Bodom, Hypocrisy, In Flames, Cradle of Filth) that have withered, albeit still being active. It's natural, but what these bands have been doing recently is ruthless... it really is, it's as if they're not even trying hard... and what In Flames did with their last record is not even embarrassing, it's downright self-destructive, it's how bad it is. They should get more radical in some way but instead they mellow out.

Bodom of course are expected to always create the greatest album of all time so they get shit if they do an album that's worth an 8/10. Well this album is like 7/10. It's mostly turd sure but almost every song still has that 1 or even 2 cool ideas. One of the best parts is 2:02 - 2:22 in Horns. Won't keep a trained ear satisfied forever tho, since we're used to being blasted with epic ideas left and right.
My other observation is that on these three albums every song, almost every riff makes you want to grab a guitar. This is not the case in IWC. I mean it has its moments (I actually love SB and Widdersomething) but overall... Forgettable.

That's a good point. There's not a lot here that makes you go "wow, I wish I could play that. How does he do it?" But at the same time, if you actually start playing some of the stuff, even the IWC's intro riff, it's pretty fun. I'll give the death metal part in Horns a shot at some point.
They should get a new singer who can do black metal vocals, and force Alexi to write lead-oriented stuff, memorable beats and intense keyboards.

Considering he said he only sang cause no else wanted to makes you wonder why Bodom hasn't had a different vocalist all along. Its wishful thanking at this point.
I hate the album, it's not good, it has its moments, probably like it hust as good as blooddrunk, but thats my least favorite. From a guitarists perspective it blows beyond belief...drums too. Nah, if this continiues, count me out... Not one good solo, only sluggish riffs. Only good thing is the lyrics, they have got a lot better, but Ive never loved bodom for vocals, no offence to Alexi, but he should focus on fast power metallish guitar leads, not chugging around while singing.....

I agree. It has it's moments but only one song that is good the majority of the time, and that isn't enough. This album along with RRF and BD are their worst but this one might actually take the bottom spot. Alot of people rate Heroes of Beer or whatever quite higly but that one didn't impress me all that much either. For me Bodom will always be Bodom and one of my favourite bands but simple because of their 3(4) first albums. The sound has so drastically changed that it isn't comparable to the sound and style they got known for. That's the music I want to listen to.

Having said that RRF, BD, HoB hold good standard and are musically very technical so for any other band it would be great albums but compared to the early CoB they fall completely flat. And I can't help but to feel the music Alexi is writing now is not as mature as when he was younger, some songs, say IWC, for exsample is almost at the edge of being childish.
I agree. It has it's moments but only one song that is good the majority of the time, and that isn't enough. This album along with RRF and BD are their worst but this one might actually take the bottom spot. Alot of people rate Heroes of Beer or whatever quite higly but that one didn't impress me all that much either. For me Bodom will always be Bodom and one of my favourite bands but simple because of their 3(4) first albums. The sound has so drastically changed that it isn't comparable to the sound and style they got known for. That's the music I want to listen to.

Having said that RRF, BD, HoB hold good standard and are musically very technical so for any other band it would be great albums but compared to the early CoB they fall completely flat. And I can't help but to feel the music Alexi is writing now is not as mature as when he was younger, some songs, say IWC, for exsample is almost at the edge of being childish.

Mostly agree with you. IMO AYDY and BD are a lot better than people give them credit for though. Not as good as the first 4, and in a different style but the style is still enjoyable and the songs are good. RRF is somewhat different in style but not much. It just doesn't execute said style as well, and isn't as good. HOB continues in the same style as AYDY - RRF and is perhaps their best album since HCDR. IWC is again in a completely new style, and is not a very good album. The new style is boring and the songs are way too simple. It's almost like a heavier and simpler version of Metallica with screaming vocals.

Basically the way I see the albums is something like this:

SW, HB, FTR: Melodic Death/Power Metal with screaming vocals. Each album better than the last. Melody oriented but with a good amount of melodic-ish riffs too.

HCDR. They start to get some thrashy elements into the music but it's still very good. I'd rank HCDR just below FTR, perhaps even above HB. A halfway mode between FTR and AYDY in terms of style.

AYDY, BD, RRF, HOB: Melodic Thrash Metal with screaming vocals. Far more riff oriented than the previous albums but still definitely melodic. Around 50/50 on melodies and riffs. Quality goes down from AYDY to RRF, then jumps with HOB. Still below FTR, HB and HCDR.

IWC. Riff-oriented metal with melodies as an occasional after though. Nothing in common with the first three, little with AYDY - HOB.
So, I only find myself listen to Horns occasionaly. I think this was the last album I've preordered.

Still don't know why like no one likes Blooddrunk that much, easily top 3 for me - but then I guess that's how taste can differ. In this case, a lot.

What's up with their setlists btw? They're getting more generic every year, if that's even possible.
So, I only find myself listen to Horns occasionaly. I think this was the last album I've preordered.

Still don't know why like no one likes Blooddrunk that much, easily top 3 for me - but then I guess that's how taste can differ. In this case, a lot.

What's up with their setlists btw? They're getting more generic every year, if that's even possible.

Yeah, I don't understand what people's problem with Blooddrunk is either. Production isn't nearly as powerful as AYDY, but then people don't like that one as well.
Bodom weren't bringing out their potential in those albums (AYDY, Blooddrunk), but since that their creative potential has somewhat diminished, to the point where it's a rare occasion that Alexi cares to create a diamond of a song that maintains the epic flow from start to finish. Blooddrunk has this cool rough sound, dark feeling and a climatic awareness of treading towards dark fate, I like it most out of the new albums, but it deviates from its strength by going lost in the horrible thrash shit in the verses of Blooddrunk, half the song Smilex, the awful Done With... just my opinion, but compared to what they do now, a song like One Day You Will Cry is from a different world in terms of epicness. They still have the musical ideas, but I think songs like Hellhounds, Lobodomy, ODYWC, BfH, even RKM still held it "together" in a way that has since been managed only in songs like Not My Funeral, Shovel Knockout, Halo of Blood and perhaps Morrigan. It's hard to explain but it's how I feel. It's like one long great joke opposed to four short jokes, which is better?
One long vs four short is a quintessential girl question :kickass:

This won't last long on the setlist... sounds horrible. :( COB will be forgotten if they don't get artistic guidance. Many bands forget or can't understand what was special about them, and then fall. We can already see no-one's recording their live videos anymore or even bothering to tell when a new song is played live, and no-ones making covers of their songs anymore.

I think Alexi has started thinking about the songwriting too much from the perspective of his guitar. The rest of the band just tangles along supporting whatever riff he's onto. He used to take well into account the possibilities of using drums, the other guitar and keyboards in every second of his song composions. It's like he's reluctant to trust in the silence of 'other instruments will be here' when he's recording his ideas. His riff ideas and such are still good, but I was left missing that creativity and energy they used to have, when we felt like it was 5 members producing one song with a giant soul.
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