"I Worship Chaos" Discussion Thread

This might be their new worst album, Alexi you moron!?!? No melody except keys, a boring monotomus riff! Drop b tuing! Repetive. Poor key solo! No guitar solo!!!!!?? Wtf!?!? Are you becoming Lamb of God for real? 2 out of 10 songs I'd gladly skip to hear the rest of my life!
Hope, this wasn't the best shots of the album. Still the intro was awesome as hell though. It wasn't bad, I felt the same when Morrigan came out, not bad, but nothing special, maybe a bit better.

I think this track will be the HoB of IWC. Same style.
The verse is pretty awesome, and the riff is very weird but I like it.. I don't like the chorus really much.. and wtf was Aleksi thinking .. no guitar solo???
Well, I liked the tempo at the beginning, but that got slowed a bit down pretty fast....and Vocals was quite good, but I said the same about Blooddrunk, which I never listen to these days and I hate....
Don't think it's a shortened version, the song was 3:40 i think and that file is 3:24 so probably just a movie quote or something in there taken out.

It's different, that it definitely is, can barely tell it's Bodom, but I think drop B honestly hurt this song it sounds way to muddy. I like the mood of it, the dark aggression, but I don't really know I'm not too impressed.

Repetitive, no guitar solo, nothing to the song really, it's not very catchy or engaging it's just kind of there
The worrying part is that there were no guitar melodies on Morrigan either. Roope was the "melody guy" in the band?
if you look on songs like In Your Face, Blooddrunk (end), Downfall etc...yes!

This happens if u kick out and good Guitarist and try to do it yourself...
too bad I'm already drunk so I can't tell If I liked it or not. ( Finland is affecting me!) but one thing I've noticed was the missing solo :/