"I Worship Chaos" Discussion Thread

Because the 15 reviews on Metal Archives are the majority...

The thing is that everything is just opinions. I think Hatebreeder is the best album ever created, others think it's a pile of dog shit. The new album from Dr. Dre is sold 250-300k times in the first week, Iron maiden sells 60k in the US in the first week. (even though it's not really a fair comparison)

Does it matter to you when others think IWC is the best or worst they've released in forever? Do you lose sleep over it? No, all these different opinions and tastes lead to a nice discussion. If everyone here agrees with each other, it'll just be
"It sucks."

Now we have long posts that, regardless of whether you agree with them or not, bring life to the forum. And that is good.

With that said, I still think IWC sucks balls but it did make me like Morrigan more because of it.
15 reviews is actually a lot for the Archives and it's more than enough for the average to be consistent. Believe me I'm a mathematician
I just flipped a coin 15 times and got 7/8 distribution - what statistical consistency means. 10 reviews would be more than enough in fact.
Over 99% of people don't even know what power chords or arpeggios are, I'd say it's more important to have an epic song even if it means it's not technically impossible to play.

When you listen to IWC it's nothing different from grind core and metalcore except it's got some keyboards. COB used to be wildly creative and personal, now they're a mix of 3 things: what they should be, what sells, and what Alexi would probably want to compose this day.

When you listen to the drum work on Children of Decadence or the sheer atmosphere on Taste of My Scythe... not sure if we can expect anything that good.
I'll wait with such final judgements till I hear the whole thing.
It would be unbelieveable if after so great album they recorded something so bad as we fear...
Why? They're not young and full of interesting ideas anymore, they should be taking their time instead of making an album every 2 years. Two good albums in a row at this point would be less believable.
mrs.bodom if you're doing the Janne interview, one more question: 'name two bands you'd like to cover a song from Bodom and which song?'
When you listen to the drum work on Children of Decadence not sure if we can expect anything that good.


Have you ever listend to HCDR? LoBodomy? Chokehold? T,L&S? IYWPPFW?BBM? TDAN? COTN? There are many songs with an awesome drum work.
Drums is propably the only instrument which is constantly on a high level in COB. Except IWC. Since I've tabbed it, I can't remember any COB which has less creativity. Just lame blast beats and a few punk rock and bossanova elements. But it fits with the rest of the song...^^
The new Cradle of Filth album is fucking boring, save for one song. Don't know why the fans are hailing it as return to roots and epic. A slight change of sound creates a hassle but it settles quickly. I can sense all these new metal albums how they're made forcefully, following a fucking annoyingly boring and predictable pattern, and the band only has energy to focus on one or max two songs properly to have something on acceptable level. Sigh. Can someone please do an epic ALBUM for once, or has metal really died?
Dont be so dramatic... There is a lot od good music being recorded. Recent behemoth album is perfect, that's from my perspective. So is solarflesh of Hate...
IF cob drop the ball, others are still there.

E: and gojira, lost soul, beyond creation...
And that is really quick list of bands i like with relatively new records:)
The days of an epic album are over. These days you get lots of good albums instead. So far this year--Psycroptic, Morgoth, Nachtgeschrei, Jungle Rot, Kataklysm, Gruesome, Dew-Scented, Milking the Goatmachine, Defloration, Lamb of God, Unleashed.
Fine, fine, show me, post one song that blows me away.

No, because everyone's taste is different.
I'm blown away by everything on Behemoth's, Hate's or Gojira's recent albums. And the fact that you can't find anything for yourself does not mean metal is finished;)
Fine, fine, show me, post one song that blows me away.

How on earth would anyone know what blows you away. I get the impression you need to start watching movies or go to the opera for the kind of experience you're looking from a metal song. Plus, unless your 13-17, stuff just doesn't blow you away anymore. Haven't you noticed?
Plus, unless your 13-17, stuff just doesn't blow you away anymore. Haven't you noticed?

I do get blown away. Of course I don't get the heart-ripping eerie feeling when watching horror movies, like the killer dolls or whatever, but it's still possible to find eerie stuff, and thing is: as adult you start looking for emotionally intelligent things. I still get blown away by the same stuff I did as child. It's just harder to find such art these days. I recognize the music that blows me immediately when I find it, it's just sorta rare. It's mostly down to affecting my emotions. Just a couple days ago I was moved by the new Arnie zombie movie because it was sorrowful in a peculiar way.