"I Worship Chaos" Discussion Thread

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Discovered something about Halo of Blood.

Some things on the album were inspired by the wintery album of Dissection, and Alexi named 'suicides' as the theme (from his personal life, too), but I found this:

"Jon Nodtveidt is the lead guitarist and singer for the Swedish band Dissection, which was put on hold while he served 7 years in prison. Nodtveidt was released in 2004, after he was convicted of being an accessory to the murder of Josef ben Meddour, a gay Algerian man. Nodtveidt took his own life in 2006 with a single gunshot, while sitting in a circle of lit candles and the Satanic Bible."

"...while sitting in a circle of lit candles and the Satanic Bible" what a poser, fuck him.

maybe because he was a member of the Misanthropic Luciferian Order, now known as Temple of the Black Light?

He was everything but a poser, Dissection was so involved into the group that the 2 are basicly always named together.
The music of Dissection contained lots of that religion.

this was awesome because it created a very dark, mysterious and ominous undertone in their music.
I like Dissection, very very good band

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So according to Alexi some songs are misanthropic (Satanic, angst, etc) and some involve witch/witchcraft theme. I Hurt could be about the Machine Head episode, all the weird attacking online. Morrigan is a witch. Horns is probably in the Satanic/misanthropic theme. Prayer for the Afflicted, afflicted means cursed, hexed, suffering.
This is it guys, no other band gets me as pumped as Bodom does, and we're living the last days of anticipating shocking new material, this late in the band's cataloque. While we know they're not interested in creating anything radically different, this formula and the statement that IWC is better than HoB gives us promise. We might not expect a total change of sound, but I'm sure it'll sound nice - now how good will the roughly four best songs be? Good enough to break permanently into the setlist? I'm expecting maybe 1 song to be among their best, but I hope there will be a few more at least close to the epics.

I still am in awe over whether Alexi gets the best songs done first, or last, or in the midstint. Many bands take time to create the four hits and then fill up with another four mediocre songs. Alexi seems to take a song or two to get into the flow mode and then doing the better songs, but sometimes when he has to make a song fast he manages to make a good one (like Kissing the Shadows, Transference.) I wait for the song-by-song explanation and samples, and interviews.

I just think it's slightly upsetting when the band has nothing interesting to say in the interviews about a new album (except the traditional 'it's darker and better'). Therefore I remain realistically pessimistic until I sense real passion. After RRF and HoB I was preaching about two things: they need to improve the vocals and spread the best idea of a song into wider timespan, because this is how they could easily make their songs much better, and this was what I found a problem in the last two albums. 1) Less vocals, and focus on them with deep passion. 2) Take the gem of the song and make it the spine of the whole song instead of a flash.
13 weeks until release. Could be another 7 weeks at least until the first single, so some interviews and reviews would be nice... patience is running out.
7 weeks until a single? So long......yet they want us to pre-order the album? No way in hell I'm pre-ordering shit until I can at least hear a single from the album. Hoping the single is nothing like WIWI....that really made me not want to buy that album.
Yeah I hope silence isn't their best weapon in marketing terms. And I can't imagine anything as terrible as WIWI coming out from an artwork this impressive. I suppose we'll hear the best 2 tracks before the release, also the best bits of the songs, like last time.
13 weeks until release. Could be another 7 weeks at least until the first single, so some interviews and reviews would be nice... patience is running out.

Interviews? No thanks. Alexi doesn't really do well in interviews. Jaska doesn't have much to say about anything. Janne is annoying. I've never heard or read from Henkka, he seems to be more extroverted. If Antti is indeed the new member (and I hope he isn't), then I guess he's going to be interviewed quite a bit.
It's going to be the exact same questions and answers in every interview. They can never squeeze out more than two words of info on a new album. Well, they're musicians, not word-smiths.

Nah, I'm losing hope on this album. The silence puts a dark cloud over it.
It's going to be the exact same questions and answers in every interview. It's hilarious, they just google what others asked before.

Nah, I'm losing hope on this album. The silence puts a dark cloud over it.

IIRC, you're always jumping between extreme anticipation and pessimism before they release an album. First you're excited and fill the forum with trees and lakes, then you get depressed and worried that the new album will suck. Back and forth, back and forth. When the new album's released you're disappointed. Then you wait for the next one to repeat the cycle. :D
Everything is all about beeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrr guys!Nothing excepd as a half !nakt beer can beat the shit ou of a oompa loompa doing the truffle shuffle!!!

How much drink you drank tonight, Arcane? :lol:

Wie viele Trinke hast du getränkt?
How much drink you drank tonight, Arcane? :lol:

Wie viele Trinke hast du getränkt?

Wie viele Deutcher sind hier? Ich weiss dass Arcane sind Deutcher, aber ich weiss nicht mehr Deutcher. Ich bin nicht Deutcher aber ich kann kleine Deutch spreche und schreibe. Entschuldingung fur meine schlecht Deutch.

So everyone's always saying sorry for my bad English when they speak damn near perfect English. I don't think the same applies to my German. Was it understandable? :D
Ja, aber ich denke Arcane IST ein Deutscher nicht sind, und du KENNST nicht mehr Deutscher. Meine dritten Sprache ist die deutsche Sprache. Ich möchte an 25. Juli, einen Sprachprüfung machen.Aber Arcane kann uns korrigieren, wenn er wird nüchtern sein.
Ja, aber ich denke Arcane IST ein Deutscher nicht sind, und du KENNST nicht mehr Deutscher. Meine dritten Sprache ist die deutsche Sprache. Ich möchte an 25. Juli, einen Sprachprüfung machen.Aber Arcane kann uns korrigieren, wenn er wird nüchtern.

Damn, I actually understood everything! :D "Nuchtern" was a new word but it's kinda obvious what it means :lol:
Yay, you know the Ger. language ;) I would also learn Finnish after the German. Today I heard, many Finnish people would learn Hungarian. I already knew that, we both have the same type of grammar, so theoretically it's easier to learn Finnish for a Hungarian than any other languages in the world and conversely.

Btw, ESA he said "oompa loompa" in finnish?