"I Worship Chaos" Discussion Thread

Youtube version please for the technically impaired!

Uploading to Soundcloud at the moment. Never used that one either but it might work easier than Dropbox.

I don't have any video making programs on my computer (Not even Windows Movie Maker for some reason) so won't be doing a Youtube video just yet.
Nice, but I'm sceptical about this being the order of the sections in the song, and you left out the cool riff and the original riff.
Nice, but I'm sceptical about this being the order of the sections in the song, and you left out the cool riff and the original riff.

Didn't leave out anything as far as I know. What section and part? The order of the riffs might well change. Sections 1 and 2 are probably like they are now, but the rest will probably change.
Ah right the riff is under the melody where it's barely noticeable. Well it's hard to tell what kind of role the keyboards will have and which parts are just for supporting melodies or solos. Will have to wait for the actual song to understand what's going on, but I can already tell it's exactly how I predicted. Definitely gonna be closest to RRF soundwise, but different energy.

These riff samples don't give the same whoa-effect as Shovel Knockout did. And the melody thingy, to me it seemed similar to Are You Dead Yet and Punch Me I Bleed melodies. You can't compare this to the epic FTR melodies.

I'd say the best of the 4 new albums is Blooddrunk, and big things need to happen to top that, it's not automatic.

I really hope this isn't one of the better songs. Hard to imagine how this would sound epic... And what's up with that weird acoustic part?
Sounds like shit :lol:

I really think the 100 guitar thing will be a trainwreck, but whatever, he probably knew that.
Sounds like shit :lol:

I really think the 100 guitar thing will be a trainwreck, but whatever, he probably knew that.

Quality or the melodies? The sound quality is the same as on Youtube (I recorded it straight from the computer's sound card), but when you take 2-3 of Alexi's not-studio-focus-takes and put them on top of each other it sounds kinda muddy, especially as the tone is awful to begin with.
I think he means the song. It doesn't exactly blow your socks off.

Well, still better than WIWI, I guess... but even that one at least had a great chorus. I'm trying to hold it together, let's just wait...
I like it until 0.55, the rest isn't that good. SKO sample's were perhaps better, but it's a bit hard to say as the sound quality in these is so bad.
You all forgot that it is supposed to be like 10% faster and some of the riffs will loop. So imagine almost the whole song with melodies. Only thig weird about it is the accustic part, wtf is that. I like it better than SKO.... And yes some of it reminds me of FTR and AYDY albums if you speed it up a little. Great! But Alexis tone is god awfull! Rip that EMG HZ out and toss it away, get any other pickup, even the HZ H4. imagine Alexi on dimarzio's. Think paul gilbert or symphony x guys! That would be killer. The amp is good, no doubt there. The pickup is beyond crap!
You all forgot that it is supposed to be like 10% faster and some of the riffs will loop. So imagine almost the whole song with melodies. Only thig weird about it is the accustic part, wtf is that. I like it better than SKO.... And yes some of it reminds me of FTR and AYDY albums if you speed it up a little. Great! But Alexis tone is god awfull! Rip that EMG HZ out and toss it away, get any other pickup, even the HZ H4. imagine Alexi on dimarzio's. Think paul gilbert or symphony x guys! That would be killer. The amp is good, no doubt there. The pickup is beyond crap!

Btw, did you recognized that Alexi's damaged his Katakana so badly? That's also a wtf?!:O
FB says they have July time to learn those parts properly. I think that means August 1st they release the single, and then it's all about putting them together the right way and faster, as the event is held August 14th. It will probably gain a lot of attention, just let the song be great dammit!
Joonas the mentalist of the COB Forum, I call you to predict us what's the original title of this so called contest song?