"I Worship Chaos" Discussion Thread

They have to make good-looking covers cos it's the shirts that sell more than CD's these times. :D Still I wonder why record labels don't arrange quality shirts and proper designs.
Yeah that hoodie is cool but it costs a small fortune for someone in the U.S. to buy it
They even wrote today to come back soon for exciting clips. It always works weekly. It was last Wed so next is this Wed. Was it 15:00 again, maybe.
Well, I thought the exciting clips might have something to do with alexi being at GuitarCenter. Maybe some videos like his EMG video. But you're probably right, or at least you make sense. So I cross my finger and wish you're right ! Because this time would be three unknown songs !! :D
Well, I thought the exciting clips might have something to do with alexi being at GuitarCenter. Maybe some videos like his EMG video. But you're probably right, or at least you make sense. So I cross my finger and wish you're right ! Because this time would be three unknown songs !! :D

Wasn't Guitar Center the place where he played the 5 best riffs from IWC? Wouldn't be bad if they released that one either.
For Halo of Blood, the track-by-track video were released on 30th April, 7th May, 31th May. So it's apparently not necessarly once a week. Plus on their facebook they said new clips coming soon but it didn't say "tomorrow" ^^ Knowing them, soon could be in a week.

So I still hope you were right Joonas, but I think it's kind of fact hopes ^^
Ok, so.
Horns: This might be the song I like least from what we've heard so far. Not bad either, but it doesn't have this "headbanging" feel to it.
Prayer for the Afflicted: I think it sounds awesome. Kind of a "Angels Don't Kill" vibe going on. Maybe even darker, stronger,.. And slow solo we hear behind songs really awesome.
I Worship Chaos: Sounds even better now that I can situate it into the album but I already talked about it.
Hold Your Tongue: Sounds like it could be on AYDY album. But the riff sounds really nice with those kickass harmonics and when we hear after they "SHUT THE FUCK UP" sounds really nice.

I get more and more a nice feeling for this album. RRF wasn't as good as I expected, and it came after BD, so when they released HOB I was so happy but also stressed that they might totally screw the new album up after such a nice record. But wow.. Seems like they're back on the right path ! I'm so happy right now that I didn't give up on them !
Every song sounds as expected. And yeah Prayer was the Angels Don't Kill'ish song as I easily guessed by the title. Every song sounds alike, and that is new for Bodom. I couldn't expect them to... it's hard to choose words for this let down. It's just constant shouting over boring riffs. Such an anti-climax... I could come up with more interesting music and I don't even know how to play... There's absolutely nothing interesting going on, no exciting melodies, no exciting riffs to mosh to... Think it's about time to leave this sinking ship.

It just gets worse and worse. Fuck this album. This is not Bodom.

Apparently Alexi has been tired, busy and lacking in serotonin and blood sugar when writing this album. It's like big writer's block. Nothing in his mind, creativity source lost, but something had to be done cos it's his job. I wanted the music to be epic enough to not even need vocals, instead there's constant shouting over bland noise.

Seems I'm not even gonna buy this album.

I can imagine it was too much for Roope to try to learn all this riffing.

Bodom became a less creative version of modern In Flames. It's a pure lie to call this dark, catchy and best Bodom since x years. It's not like anyone intentionally loses their creativity, but we see this happen with pretty much every band. Art becomes sport.
Well, if you dislike you're welcome to leave this ship. They're be more space for those who enjoy the cruise :D Joke aside, I think they all sound different but they stick together so well on an album. For exemple, on RFF there was a lot of good song, but it was a bad album overall because they didn't have this common feel tying them together. While here with IWC it seems like this album does have its own personnality. I guess that kind of an improvment whether we like it or not ^^