I would like to invite you all to hear my band...


Active Member
Jan 20, 2004
Behind the mist.
Basically I am just looking for a little feedback on my band, Aegrimonia. We've had a demo in the works for about a year but its becoming a really big hassle, and I'm starting to wonder if its actually worth the time to record the rest of it- I just want to know if it's half-decent.


"Void of the Fog" (It's a weird style of black metal with various other influences).

let me know what you think. be honest, if it sucks at the level of "Apocalypse" (not really possible) than just say it.

Hm... there are som really good riffs in there and an interesting song structure. Pretty good, though that cymbal or whatever it is at the end is pretty gay

Record it I say
I like the riffs, and the vocals are pretty alright. The double bass drums need some work though, they seem to lose the beat quite often, but the other drums are fine.

Actually I really like the riffs, they make this song quite worthy of recording. DO IT!!!
Thanks for the kind words. The demo would be four songs of the same quality production with songs of similar sound (and one acoustic outro track)... it all has an avant-garde touch. Once we have vocals down on "The Throne of Winter" I'll post the song, you may like it.

And since I'm such a whore ... here's the track "Solitude" by my other band Wind Through the Trees (which a few have already heard).

Actually (concerning the first post), your band has much potential. It is a little generic, but compared to a ton of the stuff that has already been signed it is of better than average quality.

I'll review your demo for UM, if you'd like.
that would be great. we're making plenty of copies.. ill send you one when we're finished.

and that goes for everyone here, you're all good people- so free demos... if i like you.
The actual demo version of this song might actually be exactly the same version as what you're hearing... but one of the guitars may be redone... we're extremely limited to our recording supplies! but still, it could be worse.
Demilich can review it for my zine, if he wants ;).

I quite like the riffs. The playing and production arent much of a putoff to me, since I've heard much worse, so all round I'd say it's a pretty good effort. Keep it up and if you get something together on tape/CD-R, I'd be happy to support you guys.
Marksveld, send them demos to someone on the RC crew, only more than half of us post here. :loco:
One Inch Man said:
Marksveld, send them demos to someone on the RC crew, only more than half of us post here. :loco:

they'll be going alllllll around :cool:

and once again guys, thanks! I don't have a lot to do with writing music in Aegrimonia ( i play rhythm and bass ) but Wind Through the Trees is 100% written by me (I play everything except vox). WTTT is coming out with "Trauermarsch" EP in December-ish, and frankly I'm really proud of what I have now. The production is pretty fucking good, let me tell you. If anyone wants to hear it, hit me up on AIM (Marksveld)