I would like to officially welcome ...


The Priest of Syrinx
Jul 31, 2003
New Jersey, USA
Aja to the Iron Maidens!! I couldnt find a thread on here about welcoming her, so I thought I would. I hope to here some clips of the Maidens with Aja singing soon, I cant wait! \m/

Also, come play in northern Jersey, I would love to see you gals live \m/
well, no thread, but I did mention her on the Galaxy thread... It was a lame welcome, and for that I apologize :)
WELCOME to the Maidens family, Aja. I heard the clips on your site, and your voice is magnificent! I can't wait to hear the Maiden classics interpreted through your voice. I'm glad to see my friends, and favorite tribute band back in full force. See ya at the Galaxy. Looking forward to meeting you!

Thanks, each and every one of you, for making me feel so very comfortable about poking my head out of the woodshed and onto the BBs. Yes, it's true, I confess, I've been lurking about for a while :blush: but after Keyser's announcement & welcome on the Galaxy thread (NOT LAME AT ALL!!! :) ) I knew I had no choice but to actually join in on the fun!

Thanks for the compliments, too. It inspires me to work even harder and bring you the best I have to offer - both to this band of incredible musicians and especially to all you Maidenheads out there. You're one of the most important parts of this equation - without ya, a show would be hella boring!!! :rock:

:wave: :wave: :wave:
Air Raid Siren said:
Thanks, each and every one of you, for making me feel so very comfortable about poking my head out of the woodshed and onto the BBs. Yes, it's true, I confess, I've been lurking about for a while :blush: but after Keyser's announcement & welcome on the Galaxy thread (NOT LAME AT ALL!!! :) ) I knew I had no choice but to actually join in on the fun!

Thanks for the compliments, too. It inspires me to work even harder and bring you the best I have to offer - both to this band of incredible musicians and especially to all you Maidenheads out there. You're one of the most important parts of this equation - without ya, a show would be hella boring!!! :rock:

:wave: :wave: :wave:

Can't wait to see and meet ya in SLC :) The 'road crew' is already built in here.. there are a couple of us regulars..
Welcome Aja! I really like what you are doing and stuff, because it is fricking cool to have a female tribute band! I mean, there aren't many female bands that are so famous as the male bands in Metal, so.... WELCOME! :rock:

Just keep swimming...

Yeah I know my english aren't the best.... But I'm a Swedish little girl on twelve years, so what to expect?
Nahaz666 said:
Welcome Aja! I really like what you are doing and stuff, because it is fricking cool to have a female tribute band! I mean, there aren't many female bands that are so famous as the male bands in Metal, so.... WELCOME! :rock:

Just keep swimming...

Yeah I know my english aren't the best.... But I'm a Swedish little girl on twelve years, so what to expect?
Thanks, Nahaz666! It's cool to be in this band! There aren't many female bands that rock as hard as this one! :grin:
Doodoobubbachuck said:
Metallicat - OMG - I remember I thought that pic of Dave Murray in your avatar was soooooo cute the first time I saw it! Must've been those baby blues! :p

It's great isn't it! I love that picture so much!

One of my favourite ever Davey pics is this one that someone from the Iron Maiden BB sent me, it's from the Futureal video.


It's absolutely gorgeous! I nearly died when she sent it to me! :OMG: