Iced Earth and CoB are gonna tour together


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Oct 29, 2002
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Iced Earth + Children of Bodom CONFIRMED

» posted on 01-10-2004 @ 9:58 AM
by [ slasher ]

According to Face The Music Touring, the booking agency for both CHILDREN OF BODOM and ICED EARTH, they will be on tour together in April, as expected. A third band is still not confirmed.
That should be an interesting combination. I have not yet seen Iced Earth live, but I heard they are really amazing and spectacular live. I also love what I have heard from them. Children Of Bodom are amazing live with their rainbow of multi-colored lighting, their smooth sound, and how well they bring their material out. Iced Earth has been known for all that, too. I would love to catch that tour. :headbang:
YAY! COB. Fuck Iced Earth, I get to see CoB again. Why fuck Iced Earth? American Metal in America is boring. BRING ON THE FINNISH BASTARDS!! WROAGH!
Is this going to be a co-headlining deal, or are CoB a "support" band again? Either way, I hope they play a longer set this time. As for Iced Earth, I'm really looking forward to seeing them with Ripper. I saw them when they toured with In Flames a few years ago, and I found Barlow to be very boring to watch live. He was a great singer, just not the greatest frontman.
The Colonel said:
Is this going to be a co-headlining deal, or are CoB a "support" band again? Either way, I hope they play a longer set this time. As for Iced Earth, I'm really looking forward to seeing them with Ripper. I saw them when they toured with In Flames a few years ago, and I found Barlow to be very boring to watch live. He was a great singer, just not the greatest frontman.
In Alive In Athens seems happy with people. Maybe he's not an excellent frontman like Tobias Sammer or Andi Deris, but he's quite acceptable. By the way, he's one of the best live singers on Earth, the high notes on Alive In Athens are fucking insane. Definetly it is the best Live Album I have ever heard.

EDIT: I want to see how the Ripper pulls off Barlow's songs like A Question Of Heaven (my favourite metal song), Melancholy (Holy Martyr) or Watching Over Me. I think that it won't be bad, but different. I hope he won't destroy those incredible songs.