Iced Earth Forum Petition

Iced Earth is one of my favorite bands but I dont want them to have a forum here. They have their own at their website. And also there are so many people here who hate them and would go to that forum just to be annoying.
Originally posted by IcedEarth556
Iced Earth is one of my favorite bands but I dont want them to have a forum here. They have their own at their website. And also there are so many people here who hate them and would go to that forum just to be annoying.

What he said.

The IE forum is always fairly packed, and it's way too, erm, exclusive. Same as many of we are here, but they'd get shredded at UM!! :lol:
Yep - all the thread messages would begin to sound exactly alike after a while, which would be particularly ironic since...

Thank god for Demons and Wizards...*sigh*
