Iced Earth looses second guitarist... AGAIN

"Quicksand Jesus, I'm so far away without you....."


It doesn't really make much of a difference though does it? It's not like anyone is intrinsic to Iced Earth other than Schaffer. Not even Barlow, since Ripper proved that.
Imagine the chaos and destruction that would reign if the two egos of Yngwie and Schaffer collaborated together. It would create the greatest power metal known to man, but they would kill each other before they could put together a single melody or riff.
it would be like:

Schaffer: My American redneck penis is bigger than your pussy bitch ass swedish penis.

Malmsteen: *hits him with a shoe*

Haha, I'm sure everyone has heard Yngwie's "fookin' fyoory" tirade, right?
The greatest thing was that audio clip of Ynwgie on an airplane when some woman threw her drink in his lap. He went balistic, it was hilarious.

Yngwie: I'm gonna kill that mother fooker.... I'm gonna kill that mother....
Bystander: take it easy...
Yngwie: You! I'm gonna release the fockin' FURY!

ahh yes, a classic.