Iced Earth remasters.....


The Grand Design
Jul 27, 2002
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anyone here get any of them yet? i ordered burnt offerings and night of the stormrider online the other day so they should be here sometime next week. :D
I plan on eventually purchasing all Iced Earth albums. I currently own "Something Wicked This Way Comes", "Alive In Athens" and "Horror Show" which I find all of those three album's absolutely excellent. I really love Matthew Barlow's lead vocals. Can anyone one else tell me how the first two Iced Earth lead vocalists sound in comparison to him?
I recently brought Iced Earth - Dark Genesis box set, mainly because I wanted the Enter The Realm demo and Tribute To The Gods. It was worth the £35 I spent on it, Enter The Realm alone was worth that amount of money, it is totaly immense combining the melodicness of Iron Maiden, with the earlier thrash styles of Metallica and the power metal infulence of Manowar it is truely some of the best stuff Iced Earth ever did.
Originally posted by Nocturnal Emperor
has anyone seen the new cover art for the remasters they are very good

Night of the Stormrider (original) has brilliant artwork IMO. I prefer that over the facelift by miles.
My local Tower Records has the Burnt Offerings and Stormrider remasters for like 15 bucks. I think I even saw an 8.99 price tag on them. But I passed them up for the new Nile and the new Hate Eternal. I did order Tribute to the Gods though. I should have that in about a month.:)
Originally posted by plfffffft
My local Tower Records has the Burnt Offerings and Stormrider remasters for like 15 bucks. I think I even saw an 8.99 price tag on them. But I passed them up for the new Nile....

The new Nile is the best album of the year hands down. You made the right choice! :)
I have to put my two cents in on this one , because I'm one of a minority who thinks Nile are one of the most overrated bands of the year! although I have liked past Nile stuff, I tend to find their style out dated now days and the music is nothing special any more. Nile seem to lack varitation, and a few people are beginning to agree with me following the past few releases. Although I like their vocalisation, the style just lacks compared to the vocals of death metal bands now days, I mean look at Vader they tried some thing totaly different and were sucessful. I know they say if some thing works stick to it but there is a time where the sucession wears off, Decapitated are a prime example of this. When Winds Of Creation was released people loved the style and the fact that the most of the band was only 17 or 18 was unbeliveble, but following their second release it just wore thin, most Decap fans I know were not impressed at all. If we are going to talk death metal album of the year so far Severe Torture to me are the number one contenders for that title.
I bought the dark genesis cd and it has the first albums remastered but I just hate the voice of the other guys.I wish they made a remaster with Matt singing those songs
Originally posted by manuelgv
I bought the dark genesis cd and it has the first albums remastered but I just hate the voice of the other guys.I wish they made a remaster with Matt singing those songs

I thought they did with Days of Purgatory? Am I wrong?
Originally posted by Terminal Spirit Disease
...although I have liked past Nile stuff, I tend to find their style out dated now days and the music is nothing special any more. Nile seem to lack varitation, and a few people are beginning to agree with me following the past few releases.

"Past few releases"? They only have three real albums to date. That makes it more surprising that you think the style has become outdated already - is there anyone else out there that sounds like Nile??

Also, point worth noting, fans of all genres are reaching consensus on how strong Darkened Shrines really is - this obviously includes metal fans who normally stay away from the death category.

That reinforces the strength of Nile I guess - they are so brutal, and yet awkwardly accessible. When I first heard Black Seeds, all my instincts were telling me to turn it off, but I couldn't. The music is captivating with it's mysticism and progression, and other death metal tends to just be loud with no real story to tell. I know that's an offensive generalization, but I guess I'm just trying to explain my disparity with Nile.... :)
Well thats my point they have only released a small amount and already their style is becoming boring. No one sounds like Nile because personaly, I don't think any one is that stupid to use that style these days, it was good to start with but it has worn very thin now. as for their so called "brutalness" I find nothing brutal about Nile at all, bands like Suffocation were brutal, Nile I'm sorry to say I find pretty tame. Maybe its because I listen to death metal all the time and do vocals that I find their lack of variety boring I dunno, don't get me wrong their vocals are very talented, but the days of deep growls where you can't understand half the words are fading, which is why I find myself hating a lot of bands I used to like, where I do vocals I used to use the same sort of style and to be honest people just said to me its brutal but boring compared to some of the vocalists of this generation. As I said don't get me wrong I liked Black Seeds it did have a small bit of variation but not enough to my liking, most other people I know loved it.
Originally posted by Terminal Spirit Disease
No one sounds like Nile because personaly, I don't think any one is that stupid to use that style these days, it was good to start with but it has worn very thin now. as for their so called "brutalness" I find nothing brutal about Nile at all

I'm by no means a death metal connoisseur so Nile sounds very unique and brutal to me. I don't think I would even bother to venture towards anything more aggressive, but that's just my personal taste.

Re: not understanding the vocals - you can apply that rule to black, deathgore, melodic death, some thrash, grindcore, etc. That's 80% of the scene, the rest being power and prog I estimate. I mean, without a lyric sheet it would be impossible to tell what half these vocalists are going on about.

Anyway, it's just a difference of opinion, and way off topic. Now back to Iced Earth remastering.... :D
Originally posted by Terminal Spirit Disease
Nile I'm sorry to say I find pretty tame. Maybe its because I listen to death metal all the time and do vocals that I find their lack of variety boring I dunno, don't get me wrong their vocals are very talented, but the days of deep growls where you can't understand half the words are fading

Just to add (sorry to harper on), but can you list a few examples of extreme bands where you can understand the vocals? I'm sincerely interested.