The Iced Earth thread

I still have a soft spot for IE. I like everything they did up to and including Horror Show. The newer material is alright, but it feels like a different band half the time with Ripper at the helm. I wasn't too wild about the new single with Barlow back, so I dunno what to expect.
NotS and S/t are my favourites. Both are great albums.

Some scattered good songs throughout the rest of the discography and I like Horror Show as well, but it gets older easier than the first two.
I love Iced Earth. Alive in Athens is the most kick-ass live album!!

I agree.

And "The Crucible Of Man" is a great comeback with Matt Barlow, sure as hell makes up for the somewhat ok "Framing Armageddon".

As far as my loyalty goes for this band? It'll always be there.
For me, every now and then they come up with a masterpiece song among alot of boring ones.
I'm giving this thread a bump.

I don't understand all the hate for Gene Adams. I mean, at first I kinda thought he was meh, but after a while he started to grow on me. Like mushrooms grow on trees.
whoa they had another vocalist. shows what i know...

im listening to "Written on the Walls" right now. he's not bad at all. and the song is interesting unlike that snoozefest Crucible of Man