Iced Earth Signing Cancellation at ProgPower

Rider of Theli

The Hellequin
Mar 1, 2004
Hiram, Ga
Iced Earth snubbed no one. There was a communication issue that happened sometime between the time Glenn booked them and the time this tour was set up. They had no idea they were expected to attend a meet and greet at a particular time. When we approached the tour manager at 5PM to make sure everything was on schedule, he said the band was asleep (or elsewhere) and he wasn't going to bother them. He went on to say that the band normally hangs out after a show and meets the fans, signs material and takes pictures.

But it was logistically impossible to do that as a 'normal' ProgPower Meet'n'Greet after the performance as late as it was going to be. The venue shuts down and runs everyone out as soon as the curtain falls. So it simply could not be done.

For those fortunate and stalwart few who were able to tough it out, you were among those who were able to meet Matt and Jon after the show at the tour bus and also at the Granada. Matt was helping load their stuff out, so I better not ever hear anyone bad-mouthing that man. Because he is a professional and he has class. He is very humble and is very happy to be back with Iced Earth. Oh, and when I returned to my room at 4AM Jon was still outside the hotel chatting it up with fans.

So before anyone goes lynching Jon or Iced Earth for not wanting to meet their fans, that is not the case. It was a tour management mis-communication and simple timing issue. We tried to salvage the signing, but it wasn't going to happen. I know in reason that if it were not for their decision to line up a full tour, they would have gone through with a scheduled signing.
Thanks for clearing that up. While I'm usually too lazy to go to the signings, I know it's something many people look forward to. Honestly, most of the bands at ProgPower make themselves so accessible to the fans in a way that you never see any where else. Sometimes I think we're all a little spoiled at ProgPower. Things happen, and it's good for people to be reminded of that and not form a negative opinion based on speculation. Only once did I hear one band member say he'd rather go out to dinner than do a signing, but that was a rare case, awhile back and no, I'm not going to say who. If you think you know, keep it to yourself. Nearly every band who comes to PP is appreciative and grateful.
I personally had the pleasure to talk to John after the show,especially that I'm one of those who unfortunately shared the pain that caused him to write "Watching over Me(as a few of you know,the girl I would have married was killed by a drunk driver)".
yes I met Jon again here in DC couple days ago. stopped signed my promo Demons and Wizards TBTCK that Hansi had signed 2 years ago and took a picture with me. Good guys no doubt Matt would have signed if weather had cooperatied better. Sorry to those who missed out love to meet bands myself.
Now I regret not staying behind JUUUST in case they were hanging out! I knew they've got a hellaschedule for their tour and expected them to just bail out and hit the road immediately, so shame on me!

I don't really bother with autographs anymore cuz just hanging and yakking with bands is already a yearly luxury, I don't wanna burden them with a bunch of my crap to sign! LOL
The one thing I will always say about Iced Earth is that they are very excessable. At every show I have seen them hanging out outside the venue afterwards or at least around the club. I think they are one of the few bands who are a larger known act that make it easy to meet for those who like meeting bands.
I agree. Jon was out by the bus, and by the time we got to him, he was in a hurry, and my dumbass fucked up a picture and had to ask him for a second one. He was definitely a very nice guy about everything.
I agree. Jon was out by the bus, and by the time we got to him, he was in a hurry, and my dumbass fucked up a picture and had to ask him for a second one. He was definitely a very nice guy about everything.

If it wasn't for Mike saving my picture with Jon by taking another one, I would have had to murder you! :lol:
Iced Earth have always been cool to the fans. John stood and talked to me and my friend who is in the airforce for a good 30 minutes in indy during the horror show tour. awsome dude.
Happy you guys met with them but making the crowd wait for so long for their set is not cool. No matter how you put it, it's showing a lack of respect. JOP had the best sound of them all and we didn't have to wait so long and that late after his set. Add the fact that Barlow's voice was horrible on the first few songs made me leave after half an hour.

There, you go, it's out of the system...:goggly:


np: Mindflow - Destructive device (Excelent progmetal)