Iced Earth


Get your ass to mars!
Sep 13, 2008
Never heard anyone talk about them on here so I'm spreading the love. Their last 3 albums weren't too great but anything before is fucking gold.

If you've not heard:

One of my favourite bands, anyone else like them? They're 50% Thrash so someone will! :lol:
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You're a bit strange! :mad:

You cannot deny the epic intro.
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I like Iced Buns.

They're a pretty good band. My mate's well into them, to the point where he went to I think every show that they played with Heaven and Hell last year, despite the fact that H&H were boring, Lamb of God weren't that interesting after 2 or 3 times and Iced Earth only got a half hour set. Burnt Offerings and Angels Holocaust are two of his favourite songs of all time. When I was at Bloodstock last year, I think they had the best reaction of any band. After they played there were so fucking many Iced Earth t-shirts, they must have had the biggest sales there. My guess is that no one really knew them before (I don't know why they seem to have been lost in obscurity up an till now, at least in the UK), but everyone was blown away by the live show.