Ichi the Killer

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
Has anybody seen this Japanese flick. I read about it in Terrorizer a while back. They said it is supposed to be the most violent film ever. Then I read about it in Rolling Stone a couple weeks ago. They also said it is supposed to be the most violent film ever. Then I saw it in Blockbuster.

HOWEVER, beware of the R rated version. Go for the UNRATED version. I could only find the R rated version at Blockbuster.

Here's a link to the DVD at Amazon. It has some good descriptions of this movie. It sounds like it's on the way to becoming quite the cult classic.

One of my mate's has this. I ain't seen it but i heard it's pretty grim. Kerrap had it as #1 grim film awhile back...
eBay. There are loads of vendors that sell Japanese DVDs now and most have been migrated to a region 0 platform (so while you're looking, get yourself a copy of Battle Royale for fucks sake, especially since the sequel is already out).

Also, there is a great site for people in the USA called HK Flix. Check this out: http://www.hkflix.com/xq/asp/search.yes/title.ichi/qx/titles.htm

You can get the region 1 version uncut for $20 (incase you can't find it on region 0 - assuming you still have a region 1 only DVD player). They're based in Hawaii so you only pay for domestic shipping rates.
I need a bigger TV so I can start buying DVDs again. 19" screen at 10 feet across the room probably explains my need for glasses after 24 years of 20/20 vision...
Russell said:
Six months? :p Must be nearly a year now :D

Miike Takeshi rocks my socks tho... (as we have discussed on numerous occasions!)
My sister's coming over from Hong Kong for xmas - I'm asking her to bring over a ripped/pirate copy of Battle Royale 2. I figure if the US banned part 1, then this is my only hope until it's officially released in Japan/Europe.

Also, have you seen Dark Water yet? Fangoria just gave it their 'seal of approval' but said that by the time it gets global distribution, the US remake would have already been completed with Jennifer Connely. It's pretty annoying when people don't get the chance to see the originals before Hollywood takes over - just look at what happened with The Ring.
JayKeeley said:
My sister's coming over from Hong Kong for xmas - I'm asking her to bring over a ripped/pirate copy of Battle Royale 2. I figure if the US banned part 1, then this is my only hope until it's officially released in Japan/Europe.
Yeah, it was banned before they had finished making it, because of a classroom shooting scene... It;s released here (theatrically) in April 2004 apparently. :)

JayKeeley said:
Also, have you seen Dark Water yet? Fangoria just gave it their 'seal of approval' but said that by the time it gets global distribution, the US remake would have already been completed with Jennifer Connely. It's pretty annoying when people don't get the chance to see the originals before Hollywood takes over - just look at what happened with The Ring.
Yeah, it was cool! Not the greatest Japanese ghost story I have ever seen, but worth watching nevertheless. It's been released by Tartan Asia Extreme here already! :D I saw it in a virgin the other day, so it must be a pretty widespread release ;)
Russell said:
Yeah, it was cool! Not the greatest Japanese ghost story I have ever seen, but worth watching nevertheless.
I remember seeing it alone one night, and then telling my wife not to ever watch that movie. She would be distraught if she did. I was reading about the scene with the elevator (where the 5 year old is crying for her mother), and they had to shoot that scene 5 different times, and each time the little actress cried on cue - amazing acting. In anycase, that entire sequence with the bathtub etc is probably the most harrowing thing I've ever seen, even more than the first time I ever saw Sadako climb out of the tv set in Ringu. Hideo Nakata is a fucking genius.

So what other Japanese ghost stories are as gutwrenching and disturbing? Come on, give me what you've got.

Have you seen Session 9 yet? Damn Russell, you would love it.
JayKeeley said:
Hideo Nakata is a fucking genius.
That is most certainly true! :D

JayKeeley said:
So what other Japanese ghost stories are as gutwrenching and disturbing? Come on, give me what you've got.
That was a relitavely unqualified statement, the number of Japanese Ghost stories I've seen is relatively small. ;) Recommend some! And the thing is, I've never found one gutwrenching and distrbing, including Dark Water. But I would definitely put ring above it, as I found ring to be far more effective. It could have been the setting I saw Dark Water in, of course, and the fact that I saw ring a while back when on my own in the house at night ;)

Hehe, so I should have said it is the second best Japanese Ghost story I have seen... All of the others were crap ;) Don't see Phone :p

JayKeeley said:
Have you seen Session 9 yet? Damn Russell, you would love it.
If I ever get the chance I most certainly shall do :D

Well I just got back from seeing Kill Bill again (and Finding Nemo ;) ) so it's been a good evening for films. And I saw Momento the other day, which was cool... And Tron, which has aged somewhat ;)
Russell said:
And the thing is, I've never found one gutwrenching and distrbing, including Dark Water. But I would definitely put ring above it, as I found ring to be far more effective.
No doubt, but Ringu is in a league of its own. Well, perhaps The Changeling comes close since they're so similar, and George C Scott can do no wrong.
JayKeeley said:
No doubt, but Ringu is in a league of its own. Well, perhaps The Changeling comes close since they're so similar, and George C Scott can do no wrong.
Never seen it :( But if we're talking non-Japanese ghost stories (and you may hate me for it :p ) I thought Sixth Sense was rather effective in places... :D
Russell said:
Never seen it :( But if we're talking non-Japanese ghost stories (and you may hate me for it :p ) I thought Sixth Sense was rather effective in places... :D
If we're talking non-Japanese traditional ghost stories, see:

The Changeling (fantastic, fantastic film - put away your Finding Nemo)
The Entity (another classic from the 70's era, still the best for horror)
Poltergeist (Tobe Hooper's second best film)
The Devil's Backbone (You've seen this, right?)
The Others (well, maybe I'd list this alongside Sixth Sense)

I thought all were better than Sixth Sense, although that's not to say that I thought SS was entirely bad.

Also, did you see the list? http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=124678&highlight=101+horror